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  2. Autogate/Batchgate
  3. Appendix
  4. First Level Validation Response Codes

First Level Validation Response Codes

Response Code Description
70012 Invalid terminal owner
20050 Message integrity validation failed
70038 Data not found
90000 Success
AX0001 Invalid Cash Card Load Field
AX0002 Invalid Bank Cbn Code Field
AX0003 Invalid Bank Account Field
AX0004 Amount not formatted
AX0005 Failed Nuban Validation
AX0006 To account type not formatted properly
AX0007 Payment Reference not found
AX0008 Invalid payment column count
AX0009 Payment Column count exceeded
AX0010 Duplicate Transaction detected
AX4001 Security Violation
AX4002 Duplicate File
AX4003 Batch Name Not Supplied
AX4004 Invalid Terminal Id
AX4005 Invalid Mac
AX4006 Invalid Source Account
AX4007 Encrypted Pin Data, Missing in secure row
AX4008 Invalid Encrypted Pin Data
AX4010 Invalid Secure Row
AX4011 General Batch Header Row Error
AX4012 Corporate Information Not Setup
AX4013 Invalid Batch Reference, found in file
AX4014 Invalid Batch Description, found in file
AX4015 Invalid Beneficiary Code, found in file
AX4016 Invalid Beneficiary Email, found in file
AX4017 Invalid Narration, found in file
AX4019 Incorrect MAC, found in file
AX4020 Invalid Rows In File (Possible less than 3)
AX4021 Unknown error while parsing secure
AX4101 Float card not configured
AX4102 Missing Account Setup (Pending Commit Mode Users)
AX4103 Source bank bin appears incorrect
AX4104 Pin change verification failure (pin possibly incorrect)
AX4105 Payments logged but not queued for processing to switch (admin to check logs) – single processing model
AX4106 Float card load failed (Bulk model users)
AX4107 Payments logged but not queued for processing to switch (admin to check logs) – bulk processing model
AX4108 Queue payments for processing failure, corporate configuration not found
AX4109 Queue payments for processing failure, unknown
AX4110 Error loading corporate’s fee data, check fee setup
AX4111 Error loading corporate’s fee data, cbn code may be invalid.
AX4112 Error loading corporate’s fee type, fee type must not be letters/empty, fee type must be either 1 or 0
AX4113 Error loading corporate’s fee type, fee type must be either 1 or 0
AX4114 Error loading corporate’s fee, switch fee must not be letters/empty
AX4115 Error loading corporate’s fee, sponsor fee must not be letters/empty
AX4118 Switch fee in file is less than minimum switch fee configured for corporate, switch fee must be equal to/greater than minimum switch fee configured for corporate
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