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  4. BookOnHold


The BookOnHold web service is a soap service that exposes certain methods.

  1. The CreateBooking web method is used to make Reservations for payments so that the Customer can make payments at a later time. This is usually done by logging payment with a Transaction ID which the customer presents at the point of payment.
  2. The CustomerDataUpload web method is called when the customer information logged is to be reused for as long as possible by the returning customer. This is used to save customer information on Interswitch systems to be used to validate customers at the point of payment.
  3. The UploadThirdPartyInformation web method is used to upload custom data.
  4. FetchBookingDetails is used to confirm the status of a booking/reservation that has previously been logged via the CreateBooking call.
  5. FetchPaymentNotification is used to retrieve payment information.
  6. UpdateBooking is used to update a booking.


Test Endpoint: https://sandbox.interswitchng.com/bookonhold/bookonhold.asmx


This method creates booking.

Request Fields

Field Mandatory/Optional Length Format Description
MerchantId Mandatory ANY Numeric Unique Id assigned to merchant by Interswitch.
ReferenceNumber Mandatory 20 Numeric Unique reference number for this booking. The first characters must be the MerchantId above.
ServiceNumber Optional 30 Alphanumeric This is an alternate ID used to identify this booking.
Description Mandatory 60 Alphanumeric Description of the booking
Amount Mandatory n/a Numeric Value to be paid for this reservation. Amount paid by the customer in minor Denomination


DateBooked Mandatory 19 String Date in format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss Date when the reservation was made
DateExpired Mandatory 19 String Date in format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss Date when the reservation will expire
FirstName Mandatory 60 Alphanumeric Customer’s First name
LastName Mandatory 60  Alphanumeric Customer’s Last name
Email Mandatory 40 Alphanumeric Customer’s Email address
ItemCode Mandatory ANY Alphanumeric The unique code indicating the exact item linked to the reservation


Response Fields

Field Description
ResponseCode See Appendix 1.0
ReferenceNumber Same sent in the request



This method saves customer detail(s) on the Interswitch Bill payment platform for local verification in anticipation of payment.

Request Fields

Field Mandatory/ Optional Length Format Description
MerchantReference Mandatory n/a Numeric Unique Id assigned to merchant by Interswitch.
CustReference Mandatory 20 Alphanumeric Biller Unique reference for customer
CustomerReferenceAlternate Optional 30 Alphanumeric Biller Alternate Unique reference for customer
CustomerReferenceDescription Optional 60 Alphanumeric
Amount Optional n/a Numeric Total amount expected by customer
FirstName Mandatory 60 Alphanumeric
LastName Mandatory 60 Alphanumeric
Email Optional 40 Alphanumeric


Response Fields

Field Description
ResponseCode See Appendix 1.0
CustReference Same sent in the request




This method saves custom/additional data on the Interswitch Bill payment platform for local verification in anticipation of payment.

Request Fields

Field Mandatory/ Optional Length Format Description
MerchantReference Mandatory n/a Numeric Unique Id assigned to merchant by Interswitch.
ThirdParties Mandatory 30 Numeric Biller Unique reference for customer
ThirdParty Optional 30 Alphanumeric Biller Alternate Unique reference for customer.
Code Optional 30 Alphanumeric
Name Optional 30 Numeric Total amount expected by customer
Location Mandatory 50 Alphanumeric


Response Fields

Field Description
ResponseCode See Appendix 1.0




This method retrieves all booking details.

Request Fields

Field Mandatory/ Optional Length Format Description
MerchantId Mandatory n/a Numeric Unique Id assigned to merchant by Interswitch.
ReferenceNumber Optional 20 Numeric Unique reference number for this booking. The first characters must be the MerchantId above.


Response Fields

Field Description
ResponseCode See Appendix 1.0
ResponseMessage See Appendix 1.0
ReferenceNumber Unique merchant generated reference number
Amount Amount paid by customer
DateBooked Date of Booking as sent by merchant
DateExpired Date of Expiry as set by merchant
Status Status of this booking i.e. Expired / Valid
PaymentStatus Payment Status i.e. Pending / Completed
PaymentMethod Method of Payment i.e. Cash or Card
PaymentReference Unique system generated reference for this payment.
ChannelName Channel where payment was made.
TerminaIId Terminal Id where payment was made.
Location Location where the payment was made.
PaymentDate Date of Payment.



This method retrieves information about the payments that have been made via the InterSwitch Bill payment platform for a service the merchant provides.

Request Fields

Field Mandatory/ Optional Length Format Description
MerchantReference Mandatory n/a Numeric Unique Id assigned to merchant by Interswitch.
LastNotificationDate Mandatory 19 String Date in format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm Date from when the payment should be fetched.


Response Fields

Field Description
ResponseCode See Appendix 1.0
Payments Container element for a collection of payments
Payment Container element for a single payment
CustReference Unique ID for the paying customer or specific order. Typically provided to the paying customer by the merchant
Amount Amount paid by the customer. E.g. N20,000
PaymentMethod Method by which customer made payment. See list of acceptable values in appendix
PaymentReference Unique reference for the payment as issued to the customer at the point of payment. This value is unique for all transactions.
PaymentLogId Unique integer ID for the payment
Terminalld A unique ID for the terminal through which the payment is made
ChannelName Name of channel used for transaction. See acceptable values in appendix
Location Location Payment was made
PaymentDate Date payment was made
InstitutionId Unique ID given to the merchant
InstitutionName Merchant’s configured name within the Bill payment system
BranchName Bank Branch where the payment was made, if applicable
BankName Bank where the payment was made in case of a cash payment or bank whose card was used to pay in the case of a card based payment
CustomerName Name of paying customer
OtherCustomerInfo Further Details on paying customer
ReceiptNo Receipt Number issued to customer
CollectionsAccount The account of the Collecting Bank
BankCode A code representing the Bank where the payment was made or bank whose card was used to pay in the case of a card based payment
ItemName The name of an item that was paid for (There will always be at least one Item)
ItemCode The code of an item that was paid for (There will always be at least one item)
ItemAmount The amount that was paid for the item (Will be equal to Amount if only one item was paid for)



This method updates a booking detail.

Request Fields

Field Mandatory/Optional Length Format Description
MerchantId Mandatory n/a Numeric Unique Id assigned to merchant by Interswitch.
ReferenceNumber Mandatory 20 Numeric Unique reference number for this booking. The first characters must be the MerchantId above.  Note that this is the Reference Number of the booking to be updated and cannot be updated.
ServiceNumber Optional 30 Alphanumeric This is an alternate ID used to identify this booking.
Description Optional 60 Alphanumeric Description of the booking
Amount Mandatory n/a Numeric Value to be paid for this reservation
DateBooked Mandatory 19 String Date in format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm Date when the reservation was made. Note that this cannot be updated
DateExpired Mandatory 19 String Date in format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm Date when the reservation will expire. Note that this cannot be updated
FirstName Mandatory 60 Alphanumeric Customer’s First name
LastName Mandatory 60  Alphanumeric Customer’s Last name
Email Mandatory 40 Alphanumeric Customer’s Email address
ItemCode Mandatory ANY Alphanumeric The unique code indicating the exact item linked to the reservation. Note that this cannot be updated


Response Fields

Field Description
ResponseCode See Appendix 1.0
ReferenceNumber Same sent in the request


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