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  2. Transfer Service Core API Documentation
  3. Bank Confirmation Model API

Bank Confirmation Model API


The Interswitch Transfer Service is an initiative for transfers to drive the highest possible success rates in the direct to account categories. The APIs required to be implemented by each participating bank are described in this document.

Server Specification

Servers, are to be load balanced, and should speak directly to the Core Banking Application.

API Specification

The APIs are recommended to be in restful format that supports json data format.


Account Validation & Name Lookup API

The account validation and name lookup apis are used to perform the following

1. That the account exists.
2. That the account is active.
3. That the account can receive the funds intended to be transferred (E.g A child savings account may not be able to receive certain amount of funds)
4. In the case of a zero-amount validation, checking that the account exists and is active will suffice.

Request Message description

Field#Field nameData typeRequiredDescription
1accountNumberStringRequiredBeneficiary account number
2transactionAmountLong (Minor denomination e.g kobo for Naira currency) Can also be a zero amount.RequiredThis is the value of funds intended to be transferred. The purpose of this field is allow the bank do additional checks if the funds can be received by the beneficiary. For example, if customer x cannot receive this amount, canCredit should be false in the response body.
3currencyCodeStringRequiredCurrency code of the transaction. This is the ISO currency code. e.g  NGN for naira.
4transactionReferenceStringRequiredUnique transaction reference generated by Transfer Service and will be used throughout the entire life of the transaction. This is the transaction reference that would be used to complete the funds transfer instruction. There should be no duplicate check on the transactionReference. Each request with the same transaction reference should do a new account validation and return the response again
5channelCodeIntegerRequiredChannel ID. Identifies transaction chanelSee Channel Appendix below for channel definitions
6requestTimeStringRequiredTransaction request time in the format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm
7institutionCodeStringRequiredTS Institution code for destination institution
8initiatingInstitutionCodeStringRequiredTS Institution code for initiating institution


url /endpoint goes here


Sample Plain Request

Sample request

"requestTime": "15-06-2020 14:39",
"institutionCode": "FBN",
"transactionReference": "CR|ZIB|FBN|150620201439|402452",
"transactionAmount": 3250000,
"initiatingInstitutionCode": "ZIB",
"accountNumber": "3059198727",
"currencyCode": "NGN",
"channelCode": "2"

Sample Encrypted Request

Sample request


Response Message  field description

Field#Field nameData TypeRequiredDescription
1firstNameStringOptionalBeneficiary first name
2lastNameStringOptionalBeneficiary last name
3accountNameStringRequiredCore banking account name
4accountTypeStringOptionalCurrent, Savings, or Credit
5accountCurrencyStringRequiredISO currency
6addressStringOptionalBeneficiary address
7responseCodeStringRequiredTS response code.See Response Code Appendix below for response code mapping
8institutionResponseMessageStringRequiredBank response message
9transactionReferenceNumberStringRequiredThe TS transaction reference number sent in request
10processTimeStringRequiredDate the request was processed on the bank’s end in dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss format
11institutionReferenceStringOptionalCore Banking transaction reference for the account validation request
12bankVerificationNumberStringOptionalThe BVN of the customer
13kycLevelStringOptionalThe KYCLevel of the customer
14canCreditBooleanRequiredAccount number and transaction amount are validated real-time to ascertain that the account can be credited.Validation checks to set this value include account credit limits, dormancy or inactiveness. (including other checks specific to your bank)
15canDebitBooleanOptionalAccount number and transaction amount are validated real-time to ascertain that the account can be debitted.Validation checks to set this value include account debit limits, account balance, minimum balance, dormancy or inactiveness. (including other checks specific to your bank)
16actionStringRequiredIndicates status of inquiry could be SUCCESS or FAILURE
17institutionResponseCodeStringRequiredResponse code from Institution CBA before mapping to TS Response Code
Sample Plain Response (success)
"lastName": null,
"address": null,
"transactionReferenceNumber": "CR|ZIB|FBN|150120211439|402452",
"institutionReference": "88A402ED5F1744B5A3D7086CC4B8BBD1",
"accountType": null,"accountCurrency": "NGN",
"canCredit": true,
"processTime": "15-06-2020 14:39:56",
"responseCode": "00",
"canDebit": null,
"firstName": null,
"kycLevel": null,
"institutionResponseMessage": "Success",
"institutionResponseCode": "00",
"action": "SUCCESS",
"responseMessage": "Success",
"bankVerificationNumber": null
Sample Plain Response (failure)
"transactionReferenceNumber": "CR|ZIB|FBN|150120211439|402452",
"institutionReference": "88A402ED5F1744B5A3D7086CC4B8BBD1",
"accountType": null,
"canCredit": false,
"processTime": "15-06-2020 14:39:56",
"responseCode": "39",
"canDebit": null,
"firstName": null,
"kycLevel": null,
"institutionResponseMessage": "failed",
"institutionResponseCode": "39",
"action": "FAILURE",
"responseMessage": "failed",
"bankVerificationNumber": null
Sample Encryped Response (success)

Credit Instruction API (Funds Transfer Single Credit)

The credit instruction api will be used by the transfer service to credit any beneficiary within the bank.

Request Message description

Field#Field nameData typeRequiredDescription
1destinationAccountNameStringRequiredBeneficiary account name
2destinationAccountNumberStringRequiredBeneficiary account number
3transactionAmountLong (Minor denomination)RequiredAmount to be credited to beneficiary
4narrationStringRequiredTransaction narration
5currencyCodeStringRequiredISO currency code
6transactionReferenceStringRequiredUnique transaction reference. Credit transaction should fail when reference is a duplicate
7channelCodeStringRequiredChannel code
8requestTimeStringRequireddd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ssFor the purpose of security, it is advised that this value is taken into consideration before onward processing of a request. 
StringRequiredHmacSHA1(nonce+accountName+accountNumber+transactionAmount+currencyCode+transRef+destinationInstitutionCode+channelCode)This request parameter is contained in the header of the request and is to be validated by the bank. The HMAC key  is to be provided and verified by the bank for the UAT and Production environment.The Nonce and Algorithm values are also provided in the request header
10transactionLocation StringRequiredTransaction Location
StringOptionalAdditional information pertaining to transaction.
12settlementAccountStringOptionalSent in FX transactions. Helps the remote institution identify the TSS Account such transactions will be settled to


url /endpoint goes here



Sample Plain Request

Sample request

"transactionLocation": "IRO,T,17190001059661,myself, myself,LaNG",
"transactionReference": "CR|ZIB|FBN|150620201439|402452",
"destinationAccountNumber": "3059198727",
"sourceAccountNumber": "1015179455",
"destinationAccountName": "BAKARE KAMORUDEEN ADEWALE",
"debitSourceInstitutionAccount": true,
"requestTime": "15-06-2020 14:39:56",
"destinationInstitutionCode": "FBN",
"transactionAmount": 3250000,
"narration": "IRO,T,17190001059661,myself, myself,LaNG",
"sourceInstitutionCode": "TAM",
"currencyCode": "NGN",
"sourceAccountName": "628051********7958",
"channelCode": "2",
"additionalInfo":"{"rrn":"3345322009", "stan":"443554338","maskedPan":"563546****8778"}"

Sample Encrypted Request

Sample request


Response Message  field description

Field#Field nameData TypeRequiredDescription
1responseCodeStringRequiredTS response code.See Response Code Appendix below for response code mapping
2institutionResponseMessageStringRequiredResponse message of the core banking application
3transactionReferenceStringRequiredUnique transaction reference sent in the transfer request.
4institutionReferenceStringOptionalThis is the transaction reference by the core banking application (CBA) of the insititution.
5institutionProcessingTimeStringRequiredDate the request was processedThis can be in the format “dd- MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss”
6actionStringRequiredIndicates status of credit could be SUCCESS or FAILURE
7institutionResponseCodeStringRequiredResponse code from Institution CBA before mapping to TS Response Code
Sample Plain Response (success)
"institutionResponseMessage": "Success",
"institutionResponseCode": "00",
"transactionReference": "CR|ZIB|FBN|150120211439|402452",
"institutionReference": "85856FA886B34B63AA7FA315B1650D81",
"institutionProcessingTime": "15-01-2021 14:39:56",
"action": "SUCCESS",
"responseCode": "00"
Sample Plain Response (failure)
"institutionResponseMessage": "FAILURE",
"institutionResponseCode": "98",
"transactionReference": "CR|ZIB|FBN|150120211439|402452",
"institutionReference": "85856FA886B34B63AA7FA315B1650D81",
"institutionProcessingTime": "15-01-2021 14:39:56",
"action": "FAILURE",
"responseCode": "98"
Sample Encrypted Response (success)


Credit Status Confirmation

The credit status confirmation API enables the bank query transactions sent by the transfer service for credit, before the beneficiary is credited

Request Message description

Field#Field nameData typeRequiredDescription
1transactionReferenceStringRequiredUnique transaction reference generated by TS and used in the original request.


POST /transfers/transaction/status


Authorization: Bearer {Passport Access Token}
Content-Type: application/json
Sample Request

Sample request

"transactionReference": "CR|SUN|FBP|310520202047|226464"

Response Message  field description

Field#Field nameData TypeRequiredDescription
1responseCodeStringRequiredResponse code of the transaction in TS
2responseMessageStringOptionalResponse message of the transaction in TS
3transactionReferenceStringRequiredUnique transaction reference sent in the transfer request.
4statusStringRequiredStatus of transaction in TS. Could be SUCCESS or FAILURE
Sample Response (success)
HTTP Status: 200
"responseCode": "00",
"transactionReference": "CR|SUN|FBP|310520202047|226464",
"responseMessage": "Approved or completed successfully",
"status": "SUCCESS
Sample Response (failure)
HTTP Status: 503
"responseCode": "91",
"transactionReference": "CR|SUN|FBP|310520202047|226464",
"responseMessage": "Approved or completed successfully",
"status": "FAILURE"

Authentication (Token Generation) API

The authentication API enables the bank generate access tokens for authentication purposes.

In addition, the request body is sent as a URL encoded form. As a result, the following request parameters would be set:

Request Message description

Field#Field nameValueData typeRequired



POST /passport/oauth/token



Authorization - Basic <Base64Encoded string of 'client_id:client_secret'>
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Sample Request

Sample request


Response Message  field description

Field#Field nameData TypeDescription
1access_tokenStringThe access token that would be used to consume the secure apis
2expires_inStringThe time this token will expire in seconds. Ensure that the token is renewed at least 30 seconds before the token expires to prevent expiry in flight
Sample Response (success)
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 43199,
"scope": "profile",
"jti": "0eaf01b3-383d-41d6-a983-b792045780c3"}
Sample Response (failure)
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "Missing grant type"


All APIs should ONLY be made available over VPN by the bank to Interswitch.


For the purpose of data confidentiality and security, Account Validation and Credit Instruction request and response data should be encrypted using the PGP Encryption/Decryption model.

The public key generated by Transfer Service has the following properties: 

Encryption ProgramPGP (Pretty Good Privacy)
Key Size2048
Key ExpiryNever

Keys for encryption would be generated and shared during integration.


Response Codes

Response CodeDescriptionResponse Message
00Transaction was successfulApproved or completed successfully
01Source institution should be contactedContact source institution
05Do not honourDo not honour
06Transaction failed for arbitrary reasonsGeneral transaction failure
09Transaction is in progress at middleware or other operational reasons.Transaction in progress
10CBA timeout at destinationTransaction in progress
12The transaction is invalidInvalid Transaction
13Invalid AmountInvalid Amount
14The account type for this account is invalidAccount type is incorrect
15No such issuerInvalid Issuer
17Middleware error returned for operations relating to customer authenticating the debitDebit Authentication Error
18Requery cannot be executed for transactions older than 5 days. This is not confirmation that the transaction failed/ successfulClient requery cannot be executed for transactions older than 5 days
19Transaction retry limit has been reached. The middleware will no longer attempt this transaction. Except a requery and it receives a response code for which it can retry.Pending transaction retry limit reached and status unknown
20Invalid response received from processorInvalid response received from CBA
21Middleware received a response code that is not in its mapping configuration tableResponse code not registered
25Transaction record not foundTransaction not found
30Bad requestBad request
31Invalid route configuration for senderRoute configuration error for issuer institution
39The specified account does not existInvalid account
40The sender account is invalidSender invalid
45The specified account is closedAccount is closed
46The specified account is dormantAccount is dormant
47The specified account is blockedAccount is blocked
48Inquiry Request was processed successfully but Credit Request was not received the configured retention periodTransaction Expired
49Inquiry Request was not processed successfully within the configured retention periodTransaction Expired
51The specified account balance has been reachedAccount balance limit reached
52The TSS at the crediting bank is not sufficiently fundedTransaction failed. Please contact administrator
56Payment instrument not found to complete transactionPayment Instrument not found
58Transaction not allowed on channel specified/ Channel code has not been mapped/setup on the middleware or is inactive. No further action was taken.Transaction not permitted on channel /Channel does not exist
59The transaction is marked as suspected fraud and not processedSuspected fraud or security breach
61Transaction limit exceededSource transfer limit exceeded
62Withdrawal frequency exceededWithdrawal frequency exceeded
63Security has been violatedSecurity Violation
64Authentication token is not validAuthentication token is not valid
79Bvn record not maintainedAccount no bvn maintained
80Account name mismatchAccount name mismatch
81The configured TSS is invalid (does not exist, PND, etc)Invalid TSS account
82The configured TSS could not be creditedCannot credit TSS account
91Middleware could not reach Core Banking Application / Middleware did not get a definite response from Core Banking ApplicationCould not reach Remote Service / Response timed out while attempting to reach remote service
92Invalid route configuration for destinationIssue/Error with routing configuration for the receiving institution
94Transaction is a duplicate and is either in progress Duplicate transaction
97A system error occurred. Transaction status not confirmed.A system error occurred. Transaction status not confirmed.
98The specified account has reached the limit for this transactionAccount transaction limit reached
99The transfer rate limit has been reached for the TSS account.Transfer frequency reached

Channel Codes

Channel CodeDescription
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