Use this endpoint to retrieve multiple disputes
Sample Request
GET <base url>//arbiter/api/v1/disputes.json?pan=539983******6355&startDate=2014-08-21&endDate=2014-08-21
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>
Sample Request
GET <base url>//arbiter/api/v2/disputes.json?pan=539983******6355&startDate=2014-08-21&endDate=2014-08-21
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken
Request Parameter Description
Field | Field Name | value | Description |
1 | startDate | 2021-05-05 | start date for the date range to search using date format yyyy-MM-dd |
2 | EndDate | 2021-05-05 | end date for the date range to search using date format yyyy-MM-dd |
3 | pan | 506105*********8328 | Masked Card PAN |
4 | pageNum | 1 | The page to return from the available record pages |
5 | pageSize | 50 | No records per page – maximal of 100 records per page |
6 | acquirerCode | FBN | The acquirer disputes to be returned |
Response Message field description
Field | Field Name | Description |
1 | disputeLogId | The ID of the dispute |
2 | disputeLogCode | The dispute log code |
3 | acquirerCode | The acquirer code |
4 | pan | The pan used for the transaction |
5 | stan | The stan |
6 | terminalId | The terminal ID the transaction was done on |
7 | terminalType | The type of terminal that was used for the transaction |
8 | tranDateTime | The date the transaction was done |
9 | settleDateTime | The proposed settlement date |
10 | tranType | The type of transaction that was done |
11 | tranAmt | The transaction amount |
12 | surchargeAmt | The surcharge amount on the transaction |
13 | dispenseType | The dispense type (either partial or none) |
14 | logComments | Comment that was sent when creating the dispute |
15 | acceptComments | Comments when accepting the claim |
16 | declineComments | Comments when a dispute is declined |
17 | validatedBy | User who validated the claim |
18 | validatedOn | The date the dispute was validated |
19 | penaltyFee | The penalty fee |
20 | oldStatus | Previous status of the dipsute |
21 | isVerified | |
22 | requestedAmount | The amount that was requested during the transaction |
23 | dispensedAmount | The amount dispensed during the transaction |
24 | remoteTranId | The remote transaction ID |
25 | settleCurrencyCode | The settlement currency code |
26 | tranCurrencyCode | The transaction currency code |
27 | settleCurrencyAlphaCode | The settlement currency alpha code |
28 | tranCurrencyAlphaCode | The transaction currency alpha code |
29 | disputeExpiryDate | The expected date the dispute is supposed to have closed |
30 | code | |
31 | issuerDomainnCode | The domain code of the issuer |
32 | acquirerDomainCode | The domain code of the acquirer |
33 | merchantDomainCode | The domain code of the merchant |
34 | acquirerName | The name of the acquirer |
35 | issuerName | The name of the issuer |
36 | imageEvidence | |
37 | disputeJournal | Journal sent by the acquirer |
38 | claimType | The type of dispute |
39 | mechantType | The type of merchant |
40 | customerReferenceID | The customer reference ID |
41 | fromAccountNo | The account number that was debited during the transaction |
42 | retrievalReferenceNr | The retrieval reference number |
43 | settlementAmount | The amount to be refunded |
44 | disputeRegion | The region when the transaction took place |
45 | status | The current status of the dispute |
46 | lastUpdatedBy | The last person to update the dispute |
47 | lastUpdatedOn | The date the dispute was last updated |
48 | createdBy | The person who created the dispute |
49 | createdOn | The date the dispute was created |
Sample Response (Success)
"disputeLogId": 2640252,
"disputeLogCode": "GTB002640252",
"acquirerCode": "FBN",
"pan": "539983******0103",
"stan": "196011",
"terminalId": "20117042",
"terminalType": "POS",
"tranDatetime": "2014-08-21 23:28:00",
"settleDatetime": null,
"tranType": "Goods and services",
"tranAmt": 8000,
"surchargeAmt": 0,
"dispenseType": "No Dispense",
"logComments": "Non-Receipt of Goods",
"acceptComments": null,
"declineComments": null,
"validatedBy": null,
"validatedOn": null,
"penaltyFee": 0,
"oldStatus": null,
"isVerified": "No ",
"requestedAmount": 8000,
"dispensedAmount": 0,
"remoteTranId": 2137647237,
"settleCurrencyCode": "566",
"tranCurrencyCode": null,
"settleCurrencyAlphaCode": "NGN",
"tranCurrencyAlphaCode": "NGN",
"disputeExpiryDate": "2015-06-25 10:31:52",
"code": null,
"issuerDomainCode": "GTB",
"acquirerDomainCode": null,
"merchantDomainCode": null,
"acquirerName": "First Bank of Nigeria",
"issuerName": "GTBank",
"imageEvidence": null,
"disputeJournal": null,
"claimType": null,
"merchantType": null,
"customerReferenceId": null,
"fromAccountNo": null,
"retrievalReferenceNr": null,
"settlementAmount": null,
"disputeRegion": null,
"status": "Pending",
"lastUpdatedBy": null,
"lastUpdatedOn": null,
"createdBy": "testgtb",
"createdOn": "2015-06-18 10:31:53"
"disputeLogId": 2640248,
"disputeLogCode": "GTB002640248",
"acquirerCode": "FBN",
"pan": "539983******1274",
"stan": "146962",
"terminalId": "3IWPDMVA",
"terminalType": "WEB",
"tranDatetime": "2014-08-21 23:24:00",
"settleDatetime": null,
"tranType": "Goods and services",
"tranAmt": 36000,
"surchargeAmt": 0,
"dispenseType": "No Dispense",
"logComments": "Does Not Recognize",
"acceptComments": "FBN Accepts Claim - Accept Test",
"declineComments": "Provide more information-ISW - Accept Test",
"validatedBy": null,
"validatedOn": null,
"penaltyFee": 0,
"oldStatus": "",
"isVerified": "Yes ",
"requestedAmount": 36000,
"dispensedAmount": 0,
"remoteTranId": 2137645811,
"settleCurrencyCode": "566",
"tranCurrencyCode": null,
"settleCurrencyAlphaCode": "NGN",
"tranCurrencyAlphaCode": "NGN",
"disputeExpiryDate": "2015-06-22 10:14:53",
"code": null,
"issuerDomainCode": "GTB",
"acquirerDomainCode": null,
"merchantDomainCode": null,
"acquirerName": "First Bank of Nigeria",
"issuerName": "GTBank",
"imageEvidence": null,
"disputeJournal": null,
"claimType": null,
"merchantType": null,
"customerReferenceId": null,
"fromAccountNo": null,
"retrievalReferenceNr": null,
"settlementAmount": null,
"disputeRegion": null,
"status": "Accepted",
"lastUpdatedBy": "selenium.fbn",
"lastUpdatedOn": "2015-06-18 10:16:35",
"createdBy": "selenium.gtb",
"createdOn": "2015-06-18 10:14:53"