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  4. Get Transactions

Get Transactions

Use this endpoint to retrieve a non VAS transaction in dispute with the aim of logging it in Arbiter

Resource URL: <base url>/arbiter/api/v1/transactions.json

Authentication: User Access Token


Sample Request

GET <base url>/arbiter/api/v1/transactions.json?pan=539983******0103&stan=196011&startDate=2014-08-21&endDate=2014-08-21&pageNum=1&pageSize=5

Request Header

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>

Request Parameters Description

Field #Field nameData typeMax lengthRequiredDefaultDescription
1transactionTypeStringVariableNoDefaultExpected value is any one of these: [ Default | Transfers ]
2panStringVariableYesN/APAN – first 6 and last 4 characters plain, all characters in between masked
3startDateDate10YesN/Astart date for the date range to search using date format yyyy-MM-dd
4endDateDate10YesN/Aend date for the date range to search using date format yyyy-MM-dd
No1Page Number for result pagination
No5Page Size determines the maximum number of results to be returned per page
7terminalIdString8NoN/ATerminal ID
8stanString6NoN/ASystem Trace Audit Number
9fromAccountStringVariableNoN/ASource Account Number
10toAccountStringVariableNoN/ADestination Account Number

Response Message Field Description

Field#Field nameDescription
1remoteTranIdtransaction reference
2acquirerCodeThe acquirer code
3tranTypeThe type of transaction that was done
4terminalIdThe ID of the terminal where the transaction was done
5tranDateThe date the transaction was done
6panThe PAN
7retrievalReferenceNorequest date and time in date format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
8stanThe system audit trace number
9transactionAmountThe amount requested for the transaction
10surchargeAmountThe transaction fee if any
11sinkNodeNameThe sink node
12sourceNodeNameThe source node
13merchantTypeThey type of Merchant if it was a merchant trasaction
14fromAccountNoThe account
15issuerCodeThe code of the issuer
16responseCodeThe response code for the transaction
17transactionCurrencyNumeric currency code of issuer
18settlementCurrencyNumeric currency code of acquirer
19cardAcceptorIdCodeID of card acceptor
20settlementCurrencyAlphaCodeISO 4217 currency code of the acquirer
21transactionCurrencyAlphaCodeISO 4217 currency code of the issuer
22settleAmountThe amount that was debited during the transaction
24cardAcceptorNameLocCard acceptor name and location


Sample Response (success)

        “remoteTranId”: 42715110189,
        “acquirerCode”: “ZIB”,
        “tranType”: “Bet”,
        “terminalId”: “3IPG0001”,
        “tranDate”: “2019-09-11 05:10:00”,
        “pan”: “537010******2211”,
        “retrievalReferenceNo”: “001122403690”,
        “stan”: “117185”,
        “transactionAmount”: 300.0,
        “surchargeAmount”: 0.0,
        “sinkNodeName”: “SWTEBNsnk”,
        “sourceNodeName”: “SWTASPWEBsrc”,
        “merchantType”: “7399”,
        “fromAccountNo”: “1403008575”,
        “toAccountNo”: null,
        “issuerCode”: “EBN”,
        “responseCode”: “00”,
        “transactionCurrency”: null,
        “settlementCurrency”: null,
        “cardAcceptorIdCode”: “IPG000000000786”,
        “settlementCurrencyAlphaCode”: “NGN”,
        “transactionCurrencyAlphaCode”: null,
        “settleAmount”: 0.0,
        “settleAmountImpact”: null,
        “cardAcceptorNameLoc”: “Sporty_t262397575i10785interswitchdeLANG”

Sample Response (Failure)

"code": "10400",
"description": "Pan is required",
"errors": null

Response Code

Response CodeResponse MessageHTTP Code

Success200 or 201 or 204
10400Bad request400
10404Not found404
10409Conflict / Duplicate409
10500Internal server error500

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