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  4. Get Disputes

Get Disputes

This is the disputes query endpoint. It is use to query created disputes.

Resource URL: <base url>arbiter/api/v1/disputes

Authentication: User Access Token


pageNumThe number of the page to start from. Default: 1
pageSizeThe number of items returned per page. Default: 100. Max: 100
logCodeThe logCode of the dispute
issuerCodeThe domain code of the issuer
acquirerCodeThe domain code of the acquirer
merchantCodeThe domain code of the merchant
regionThe region of the dispute
categoryThe category of the dispute
statusThe status of the dispute

Sample Request

Without any parameters

<base url>arbiter/api/v1/disputes?acquirerCode=GTB&category=CHARGEBACK&status=CHARGEBACK&expiryStartDate=2017-08-1500:00:00&expiryEndDate=2017-08-1523:59:59

with parameters


idThe id of the dispute
logCodeThe log code of the dispute
issuerCodeThe domain code of the issuer
issuerThe domain name of the issuer
acquirerCodeThe domain code of the acquirer
acquirerThe domain name of the acquirer
merchantCodeThe domain code of the merchant, if applicable
merchantThe domain name of the merchant, if applicable
merchantReferenceThe reference of the transaction in the merchant’s system, if applicable
customerReferenceThe reference of the customer
transactionStoreThe store of the transaction
transactionReferenceThe unique reference of the transaction in the store
transactionTypeThe type of the transaction
transactionDateThe date and time of the transaction
transactionAmountThe amount of the transaction
surchargeAmountThe surcharge (or fee) of the transaction, if applicable
transactionCurrencyCodeThe currency of the transaction. Format: ISO 4217 numeric
settlementAmountThe settlement amount of the transaction
settlementCurrencyCodeThe currency of the transaction settlement. Format: ISO 4217 numeric
schemeAmountThe amount of the transaction in the card scheme’s currency
schemeCurrencyCodeThe currency of the transaction from the card scheme’s system. Format: ISO 4217 numeric
terminalTypeThe type of the terminal
disputeAmountTypeThe type of the dispute amount
disputeAmountThe amount of the dispute
additionalInfoAny additional data from the transaction
reasonCodeThe code of the dispute reason
reasonThe name of the dispute reason
categoryThe category of the dispute
regionThe region of the dispute
merchantDisputantIndicates whether the dispute is managed by the merchant or the acquirer
domainCodeThe domain code of the initiator of the dispute
statusThe current status of the dispute
statusStartDateThe date and time the current status began
statusScheduledEndDateThe date and time the current status is scheduled to expire, if applicable
createdByThe user that logged the dispute
createdOnThe date and time the dispute was logged
lastUpdatedByThe user that last updated the dispute
lastUpdatedOnThe date and time the dispute was last updated
accountNumberthe transaction account number

Sample Response

"count": 5,
"content": [
"id": 48,
"logCode": "ABP00II48",
"issuerCode": "ABP",
"issuer": "ACCESS BANK PLC",
"acquirerCode": "GTB",
"acquirer": "GUARANTY TRUST BANK",
"merchantCode": "",
"merchant": "",
"merchantReference": "",
"customerReference": "506104*********7109",
"transactionStore": "ISW_TRANSACTIONS",
"transactionReference": "506104*********7109|2017-06-05|10584434|009099|000845948826",
"transactionDate": "2017-06-05 22:54:27",
"transactionType": "ATM_WITHDRAWAL",
"transactionAmount": "NGN 1,000.00",
"transactionCurrencyCode": "566",
"terminalType": "ATM",
"disputeAmountType": "FULL",
"disputeAmount": "NGN 1,000.00",
"additionalInfo": {
"sourceNodeName": "SWTGTBsrc",
"retrievalReferenceNumber": "000845948826",
"settlementCurrencyCode": "566",
"sinkNodeName": "SWTABPsnk",
"terminalId": "10584434",
"responseCode": "00",
"cardAcceptorCode": "GTB000000000639",
"cardAcceptorLocation": "GTBank Al-Hikmah Uni   Ilorin       KWNG",
"responseDescription": "Approved or completed successfully",
"merchantCategoryCode": "6011",
"stan": "009099",
"acquirerInstitutionCode": "627787",
"merchantType": "REGULAR"
"reasonCode": "NF",
"reason": "Non-Receipt of Cash from ATM",
"category": "CHARGEBACK",
"merchantDisputant": false,
"status": "CHARGEBACK",
"statusStartDate": "2017-08-11 11:21:23",
"statusScheduledEndDate": "2017-08-15 11:21:23",
"createdBy": "Selenium.Access@ABP",
"createdOn": "2017-08-11 11:21:24"
"id": 46,
"logCode": "FBN00II46",
"issuerCode": "FBN",
"acquirerCode": "GTB",
"acquirer": "GUARANTY TRUST BANK",
"merchantCode": "",
"merchant": "",
"merchantReference": "",
"customerReference": "0000000001",
"transactionStore": "PAYDIRECT",
"transactionReference": "7604",
"transactionDate": "2012-03-25 00:00:01",
"transactionType": "BillPayment",
"transactionAmount": "NGN 100.00",
"transactionCurrencyCode": "566",
"terminalType": "WEB",
"disputeAmountType": "FULL",
"disputeAmount": "NGN 1,000.00",
"additionalInfo": {
"PaymentReference": "FBN|Web|3PBL0001|HiTV|230312145656|00000048",
"responseDescription": "Approved or completed successfully",
"terminalId": "2069018M",
"IsSettled": false,
"merchantType": "REGULAR",
"responseCode": "00"
"reasonCode": "AA",
"reason": "Does Not Recognize",
"category": "CHARGEBACK",
"merchantDisputant": false,
"status": "CHARGEBACK",
"statusStartDate": "2017-08-03 18:16:26",
"statusScheduledEndDate": "2017-08-15 13:05:53",
"createdBy": "Selenium.FBN@FBN",
"createdOn": "2017-08-03 18:13:45",
"lastUpdatedBy": "Selenium.GTB@GTB",
"lastUpdatedOn": "2017-08-03 18:16:26"
"id": 45,
"logCode": "FBN00II45",
"issuerCode": "FBN",
"acquirerCode": "GTB",
"acquirer": "GUARANTY TRUST BANK",
"merchantCode": "",
"merchant": "",
"merchantReference": "",
"customerReference": "0000000001",
"transactionStore": "PAYDIRECT",
"transactionReference": "7696",
"transactionDate": "2012-03-27 00:00:01",
"transactionType": "BillPayment",
"transactionAmount": "NGN 100.00",
"transactionCurrencyCode": "566",
"terminalType": "WEB",
"disputeAmountType": "FULL",
"disputeAmount": "NGN 1,000.00",
"additionalInfo": {
"PaymentReference": "FBN|Web|3PBL0001|HiTV|270312191923|00000085",
"responseDescription": "Approved or completed successfully",
"terminalId": "2069018M",
"IsSettled": false,
"merchantType": "REGULAR",
"responseCode": "00"
"reasonCode": "DP",
"reason": "Duplicate Processing",
"category": "CHARGEBACK",
"merchantDisputant": false,
"status": "CHARGEBACK",
"statusStartDate": "2017-08-03 18:16:07",
"statusScheduledEndDate": "2017-08-15 16:11:19",
"createdBy": "Selenium.FBN@FBN",
"createdOn": "2017-08-03 18:13:11",
"lastUpdatedBy": "Selenium.GTB@GTB",
"lastUpdatedOn": "2017-08-03 18:16:07"
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