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Get Transactions

This is the transaction query endpoint. It is use to query transaction from different transaction group. The resulting transaction is use to create dispute.

Resource URL: <base url>/groups/<transaction group>/channels/<transaction group channel>

Authentication: User Access Token


The request query parameters are determined by the Transaction Group. However, a date range is always required.

startDateThe start date and time of the date range. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
endDateThe end date and time of the date range. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
Any number of parameters as defined by the transaction group for example IPG group requires stan, maskedCardPan, retrievalReferenceNumber for finer filter.

Sample Request

<base url>/groups/IPG/channels/All?startDate=2018-05-30 00:00:00&endDate=2018-05-30 23:59:59
Search transaction without additional parameter for filter
search transactions with maskedCardPan and stan


issuerCodeThe domain code of the issuer
issuerThe domain name of the issuer
issuerCountryThe ISO Alpha-2 country code of the issuer
acquirerCodeThe domain code of the acquirer
acquirerThe domain name of the acquirer
acquirerCountryThe ISO Alpha-2 country code of the acquirer
merchantCodeIf applicable, the domain code of the merchant
merchantIf applicable, the domain name of the merchant
merchantCountryIf applicable, the ISO Alpha-2 country code of the merchant
merchantTypeIf applicable, the type of the merchant. Either Regular, TSA, or Government
merchantReferenceIf applicable, the unique reference of the transaction in the merchant’s system
customerReferenceThe reference of the customer
transactionStoreThe store of the transaction
transactionReferenceThe unique reference of the transaction in the store
transactionTypeThe type of the transaction
transactionDateThe UTC date and time of the transaction
transactionAmountThe amount of the transaction
transactionCurrencyCodeThe currency of the transaction. Format: ISO 4217 numeric
surchargeAmountIf applicable, the surcharge (or fee) of the transaction
settlementAmountIf applicable, the settlement amount of the transaction
settlementCurrencyCodeIf applicable, the currency of the transaction settlement. Format: ISO 4217 numeric
schemeAmountIf applicable, the amount of the transaction from the card scheme’s system
schemeCurrencyCodeIf applicable, the currency of the transaction from the card scheme’s system. Format: ISO 4217 numeric
terminalTypeThe type of the terminal
terminalIdThe unique identifier of the terminal
stanIf applicable, the system trace audit number (Postilion)
panIf applicable, the PAN of the card used in the transaction
cardSchemeIf applicable, the scheme of the card used in the transaction
cardAcceptorCodeIf applicable, the unique identifier of the card acceptor
cardAcceptorLocationIf applicable, the location of the card acceptor
merchantCategoryCodeIf applicable, the category of the merchant
sourceNodeNameIf applicable, the name of the source node (Postilion)
sinkNodeNameIf applicable, the name of the sink node (Postilion)
responseCodeThe response code of the transaction
responseDescriptionThe user-friendly description of the response code
settledThe settlement status of the transaction
additionalInfoIf applicable, any additional relevant data not captured by any field above
accountNumberif applicable, the transaction account number

Sample Response

        “issuerCode”: “FBN”,
        “issuer”: “First Bank of Nigeria”,
        “issuerCountry”: “NG”,
        “acquirerCode”: “FCMB”,
        “acquirer”: “”,
        “acquirerCountry”: “”,
        “merchantCode”: “MX1209”,
        “merchantType”: “Regular”,
        “customerReference”: “0000000000000014844”,
        “transactionStore”: “IPG”,
        “transactionReference”: “307200”,
        “transactionDate”: “2020-01-24T19:07:02Z”,
        “transactionType”: “WEB”,
        “transactionAmount”: “NGN 1,000.00”,
        “surchargeAmount”: “NGN 0.00”,
        “transactionCurrencyCode”: “566”,
        “settlementCurrencyCode”: “566”,
        “terminalType”: “WEB”,
        “terminalId”: “3IPG0001”,
        “stan”: “000274”,
        “pan”: “628051******0095”,
        “retrievalReferenceNumber”: “000855279594”,
        “responseCode”: “91”,
        “responseDescription”: “Issuer or Switch Inoperative”,
        “settled”: false,
        “hasMerchant”: true
        “issuerCode”: “FBN”,
        “issuer”: “First Bank of Nigeria”,
        “issuerCountry”: “NG”,
        “acquirerCode”: “FCMB”,
        “acquirer”: “”,
        “acquirerCountry”: “”,
        “merchantCode”: “MX1209”,
        “merchantType”: “Regular”,
        “customerReference”: “0000000000000014844”,
        “transactionStore”: “IPG”,
        “transactionReference”: “945695”,
        “transactionDate”: “2020-01-24T19:07:02Z”,
        “transactionType”: “WEB”,
        “transactionAmount”: “NGN 1,000.00”,
        “surchargeAmount”: “NGN 0.00”,
        “transactionCurrencyCode”: “566”,
        “settlementCurrencyCode”: “566”,
        “terminalType”: “WEB”,
        “terminalId”: “3IPG0001”,
        “stan”: “000274”,
        “pan”: “628051******0095”,
        “retrievalReferenceNumber”: “000855279594”,
        “responseCode”: “91”,
        “responseDescription”: “Issuer or Switch Inoperative”,
        “settled”: false,
        “hasMerchant”: true
        “issuerCode”: “FBN”,
        “issuer”: “First Bank of Nigeria”,
        “issuerCountry”: “NG”,
        “acquirerCode”: “FCMB”,
        “acquirer”: “”,
        “acquirerCountry”: “”,
        “merchantCode”: “MX1209”,
        “merchantType”: “Regular”,
        “customerReference”: “0000000000000014843”,
        “transactionStore”: “IPG”,
        “transactionReference”: “307199”,
        “transactionDate”: “2020-01-24T18:58:17Z”,
        “transactionType”: “WEB”,
        “transactionAmount”: “NGN 1,000.00”,
        “surchargeAmount”: “NGN 0.00”,
        “transactionCurrencyCode”: “566”,
        “settlementCurrencyCode”: “566”,
        “terminalType”: “WEB”,
        “terminalId”: “3IPG0001”,
        “stan”: “000273”,
        “pan”: “628051******0095”,
        “retrievalReferenceNumber”: “000855277452”,
        “responseCode”: “91”,
        “responseDescription”: “Issuer or Switch Inoperative”,
        “settled”: false,
        “hasMerchant”: true
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