There has to be data exchange between the PaywithQuickteller REST Service platform and your system for purposes of validating the status of transactions.
Using the call back mechanism is the way to validate the payment when the payment gateway redirects to your app. This call back is achieved by calling the REST service with specific parameters.
All parameters are passed as information in custom Headers in each request to the service, expect the Transaction Reference.
You would need the following test /production details to be provided by Interswitch to be able to generate the parameters required to call the service
- ClientId: this is the domain for your website ( The service validates that the request is coming from this domain
- SecretKey: a unique secret key given to you by Interswitch. You would receive this as part of the activation email you’d get when you request to be activated for Pay with Quickteller
- URL REST service: this, you would also receive as part of the activation email.