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  3. SFTP File Format

SFTP File Format

Field Mandatory (M)/Optional (O) Length Format Description
Batch_Reference M Alphanumeric Code to uniquely identify a batch of payments
Batch_Description M Alphanumeric This describes the batch e.g. Salary Payments

NB: This must be unique per batch.

Is_Single_Debit M Boolean True or false

True means – you want single debit (line-by-line debit) on your corporate account.

False means – you want bulk debit on your corporate account. This requires Float card.

Terminal_Id M 8 Alphanumeric Uniquely identified the third party system. It will be provided by Interswitch.
Secure_Data O No. (optional if the corporate has an account configured in autopay)

NB: The value should be empty

Source_Account_Number M Ensure NUBAN for commercial banks.


Source_Account_Type O  Specify whether account is savings or current. See appendix for options.
Encrypted_Pin O No. (optional if the corporate has an account configured in autopay)

NB: The value should be empty

Mac_Data M Alphanumeric Concatenate Terminal ID, beneficiary code(s), total amount and beneficiary account number(s). Hash using the SHA512 algorithm. (See appendix for sample code)
PaymentRef M Alphanumeric A unique reference tied to each payment item.

NB: This must be unique per beneficiary.

Amount M Numeric Amount for each Beneficiary, sent in lower denomination.
BeneficiaryCode M Alphanumeric Usually the Employee ID, Contractor ID, etc. Account number may be used.
Beneficiary_Email M Alphabetic Email of Beneficiary
Bank_Cbn_Code M <=3 Numeric A code for each bank. See appendix
Beneficiary_Account M <=25 Numeric Ensure NUBAN for commercial banks. For prepaid card load, specify the card number (PAN).
Beneficiary_Account_Type M M 2 Numeric
IS_PrepaidLoad M 1 Boolean Used to specify if a card or account is being credited. (True / False).

True – Card Crediting

False – Account Crediting.

CURRENCY_CODE M 3 Alphanumeric currency code

Nigeria Currency Code : NGN

Beneficiary_Name M Alphanumeric Beneficiary name
Beneficiary_Mobile_Number O 11 Numeric Beneficiary mobile number
Narration M Alphanumeric Narration

Specify whether account is savings or current. See appendix for options.​


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