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  2. Interswitch Virtual Top-up
  3. Virtual Top-up Provider Services
  4. Reversal


Sample Request

Field M/O Length Format Description
DestAccount M 10 Alphanumeric Destination account – the service
number sent in the original vend request
i.e., 2348052247125
Amount  M N/A Numeric Integer value amount of the original
vend request
Msg O N/A Alphanumeric Free form message that will be used as part of the SMS notification
SequenceNo M N/A Numeric Unique number of request sent (must be sent with value when doing a reversal).SequenceNo sent in original request.
DealerNo M N/A Alphanumeric Dealer with Virtual Top-up Provider
whose stock would be used to fulfil this order
Password M N/A Alphanumeric Password of Dealer with Virtual Top-up Provider whose stock will be used to fulfill this order
ProductCode O N/A Alphanumeric Specifies a unique code for the service
Request Time Stamp M N/A Numeric Timestamp of when a request was
sent(Must have a value when doing a


Reversal: urn:anonOutInReversal

[(Namespace = “http://webservices.ems.momas.com/”)]

Sample Request

<ns2:Envelope xmlns:ns2=”http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/”


Reversal Respond Fields

Field Description
StatusId The status of the Vend when executed on the VTU Server e.g. 00 = Successful Vend. The Client will have reference to the VTU
Status’s and their descriptions
StatusMessage The status message of the vend executed on VTU
TxRefId The Unique Transaction Reference on the Virtual Top-up service provider’s platform
DealerNo Dealer with Virtual Top-up Provider whose stock would be used to fulfil this order
DestAccount The subscriber’s account e.g. 2348052247125
ResponseCode This value should be the same as StatusId value.
ResponseMessage The Service’s status message corresponding
to the ResponseCode e.g.“Success”


Sample Reversal Response

Response Header



Response Body

<ns2:Envelope xmlns:ns2=”http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/”
<ns3:VendReversalResponse >
<ns3:ResponseMessage>Reversal Successful</ns3:ResponseMessage>


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