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Create Card

Endpoint: POST -> {host}/scplite/cards/accounts

Request Headers

NameKeyValue (Sample)TypeLengthPurpose (Use cases)
Card’s encrypted Auth Data authData …SASA22312= string AuthData Specification
User IduserIduser.namestringThis is submitted as part of the calls to Postman to identify the user making the call.
Issuer NumberissuerNr2numberSubmitted with the CMS API requests. CMS uses this value to query for the Card Programs value.
Card Program are returned in the responses from CMS API for verification within the SCPLite Processor ESB bundle.
Banck code BankCode 999number Card issuer unique id.

Sample Request






Request Body Description

Card Issuer NumberissuerNrNumeric3
Car PINpinNumeric4
User IDuserIdString

Response code

Response CodeResponse Message
200No content
400bad request.
500Internal error (exception) occurred.

Sample Response (Success)


Sample Response (Failure)

"errors": [
"code": 57, //A postilion response code
"message": "PAN not found" //Interpretation of the postilion code

Request Body Description

Field#Field nameTypeDescription
Field#Field nameTypeDescription
1codeNumericPostilion’s response code
2messageStringTextual representation of the response code
3pvvOrPinOffsetStringPIN Block data
4issuerNrNumericCard issuer identifier number.
5panStringThe Primary Account Number that identifies this card.
6seqNrNumericThe sequence (issue) number of the card.
7cardProgramStringThe program to which this card belongs.
8defaultAccountTypeNumericIndicates the default account type associated with this card.
9cardStatusNumericA custom field for user-defined card state management.
10expiryDateStringThe card expiry date.
16customerIdStringAn ID that uniquely represents the cardholder across the issuer’s
banking systems.
17userIdStringcurrent user Id
18holdRspCodeStringThis response code is used when transactions are declined on this card.
19pvkiOrPinLengthNumericFor the IBM PIN verification method this is the number of digits in the PIN.
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