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Collections Dataset

5.1.1 Paydirect Dataset

Description:  This endpoint enables the caller to get selected purchase information for customers using the paydirect collections channel over a specified period.

Request Data Description

#Field NameData TypeMax Length / Format(s)RequiredDescription
2start-dateDateYYYY-MM-dd,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssYesThis field specifies the start date for dataset reports generation.If a time value is added, it uses the time value.Else if no time-value is added, it deafults to T00:00:00
3end-dateDateYYYY-MM-dd,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssYesThis field specifies the end date to be used for dataset reports generation.If a time value is added, is uses the time value.Else if no time-value is added, it deafults to T23:59:59:999
YesThis field specifies the name of the client as registered on the paydirect collections channel.
YesFor Pagination: query parameter for the current page being requested
YesFor Paginated: query parameter for the number of records to return per page



Sample request call:



HTTP Method: GET

Authentication: User Access Token or Client Access Token

Sample Response


#Field NameData TypeDescription
1responseCodeStringThe code representing the state of the response, it show whether the response was a success or not. NB: “00” is the code for success
2responseMessageStringThe description that explains the responseCode from above 
3dateRangeStringThe date range between the start date and end date
4dataObjectThe section that contains the actual data requested by the request
5countStringThe total number of records available for the specified timeframe
6contentObjectThe list that contains the paginated paydirect records for the timeframe
7paymentDateDateTimeThe date and time for which this specific transaction was made
8amountNumberAmount paid for this specific transaction
9productNameStringMerchant specified name for this products
10customerNameStringName of client using paydirect to pay merchant
11paymentMethodStringPayment Method used by client to pay merchant
12paymentRefStringUnique reference number generated for this specific transaction
13bankNameStringName of transaction bank

Success sample response

Response : {
“responseCode”: “00”,
“responseMessage”: “Successful”,
“dateRange”: “Weekly”,
“data”: { “count”: 121988,
“content”: [ { “paymentDate”: “2020-08-01 00:00:06.180”,
“amount”: “1600.00”,
“productName”: “Bet 9Ja”,
“customerName”: “ISAAC OBINNA”,
“paymentMethod”: “Debit Card”,
“paymentRef”: “ACB|MOB|4ACB0001|BJA|010820000006|FJXXRMJB”, “bankName”: “Access Bank Nigeria Plc”
}, …..

] } }

5.1.2 RetailPay Dataset

Description:  This endpoint enables the caller to get selected purchase information for customers using the retailPay collections channel over a specified period.

Request Data Description

#Field NameData TypeMax Length / Format(s)RequiredDescription
1start-dateDateYYYY-MM-dd,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssYesThis field specifies the start date for dataset reports generation.If a time value is added, it uses the time value.Else if no time-value is added, it deafults to T00:00:00
2end-dateDateYYYY-MM-dd,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssYesThis field specifies the end date to be used for dataset reports generation.If a time value is added, is uses the time value.Else if no time-value is added, it deafults to T23:59:59:999
YesThis field specifies the name of the client as registered on the retailPay collections channel.
YesFor Pagination: query parameter for the current page being requested
YesFor Paginated: query parameter for the number of records to return per page



Sample request call:



HTTP Method: GET

Authentication: User Access Token or Client Access Token

Sample Response


#Field NameData TypeDescription
1responseCodeStringThe code representing the state of the response, it show whether the response was a success or not. NB: “00” is the code for success
2responseMessageStringThe description that explains the responseCode from above 
3dateRangeStringThe date range between the start date and end date
4dataObjectThe section that contains the actual data requested by the request
5countStringThe total number of records available for the specified timeframe
6contentObjectThe list that contains the paginated retailPay records for the timeframe
7datePurchasedDateTimeThe date and time for which this specified purchase was made
8orderPriceNumberAmount paid for this specific order
9productNameStringMerchant specified name for this products
10customerCodeStringUnique customer code to identify customers
11paymentMethodStringPayment Method used by client to pay merchant
12orderCodeStringUnique tracking code generated for this specific order
13productDescriptionStringDescription bout theproduct in the order
14paymentStatusIntegerInteger that reflects the status of the transaction

Success sample response

Response : {
“responseCode”: “00”,
“responseMessage”: “Successful”,
“dateRange”: “Weekly”,
“data”: { “count”: 220671,
“content”: [ { “orderCode”: “2008011347”,
“customerCode”: “NULL”,
“datePurchased”: “2020-08-01 03:51:20.083”,
“paymentMethod”: “DmsCredit”,
“paymentStatus”: “2”,
“productDescription”: “AIRTEL VTU”,
“orderPrice”: “50.00”
}, … ] } }

5.1.3 Webpay Dataset

Description:  This endpoint enables the caller to get selected purchase information for customers using the webPay collections channel over a specified period.

Request Data Description

#Field NameData TypeMax Length / Format(s)RequiredDescription
1start-dateDateYYYY-MM-dd,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssYesThis field specifies the start date for dataset reports generation.If a time value is added, it uses the time value.Else if no time-value is added, it deafults to T00:00:00
2end-dateDateYYYY-MM-dd,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssYesThis field specifies the end date to be used for dataset reports generation.If a time value is added, is uses the time value.Else if no time-value is added, it deafults to T23:59:59:999
YesThis field specifies the name of the client as registered on the webPay collections channel.
YesFor Pagination: query parameter for the current page being requested
YesFor Paginated: query parameter for the number of records to return per page



Sample request call:

{{baseurl}}/api/v1/request/collections/webpay/start-date/2020-01-01 12:13/end-date/2020-06-01/client-name/Other_Client?page-number=1&page-size=30


HTTP Method: GET

Authentication: User Access Token or Client Access Token

Sample Response


#Field NameData TypeDescription
1responseCodeStringThe code representing the state of the response, it show whether the response was a success or not. NB: “00” is the code for success
2responseMessageStringThe description that explains the responseCode from above 
3dateRangeStringThe date range between the start date and end date
4dataObjectThe section that contains the actual data requested by the request
5OldWebPayObjectThe section that contains requested data from Old webpay
6NewWebPayObjectThe section that contains requested data from New webpay

Success sample response

Response : {
“responseCode”: “00”,
“responseMessage”: “Successful”,
“dateRange”: “Monthly”,
“data”: { “OldWebPay”: {
“count”: 246763,
“content”: [ { “paymentDate”: “2020-08-01 00:01:25.927”,
“bankCode”: “UBA”,
“paymentRef”: “UBA|WEB|ENS|1-08-2020|000001”,
“productName”: “Einao Solutions Web Payments”,
“amount”: “11529.95” }, { “paymentDate”: “2020-08-01 00:01:32.883”, “customerName”: “3006974423”,
“bankCode”: “FBP”,
“paymentRef”: “FBP|WEB|QT|1-08-2020|000002”,
“productName”: “Quickteller Transfer”,
“amount”: “101500.00” },
…. ] },
“NewWebPay”: { “count”: 640183,
“content”: [ {
“paymentDate”: “2020-08-11 00:00:00.283”,
“customerName”: “Jsuleiman”,
“bankCode”: “033”,
“paymentRef”: “315781838”,
“productName”: “BetKing”,
“amount”: “1000”
}, { “paymentDate”: “2020-08-11 00:00:00.540”,
“customerName”: “NULL”,
“bankCode”: “032”,
“paymentRef”: “UBANG/FLW294606640”,
“productName”: “DEFAULT_MX71”, “amount”: “100” }, …. ] } } }

5.1.4 All Collections Dataset

Description:  This endpoint enables the caller to get selected purchase information for customers on all collections channel over a specified period.

Request Data Description

#Field NameData TypeMax Length / Format(s)RequiredDescription
1start-dateDateYYYY-MM-dd,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssYesThis field specifies the start date for dataset reports generation.If a time value is added, it uses the time value.Else if no time-value is added, it defaults to T00:00:00
2end-dateDateYYYY-MM-dd,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssYesThis field specifies the end date to be used for dataset reports generation.If a time value is added, is uses the time value.Else if no time-value is added, it defaults to T23:59:59:999
YesThis field specifies the name of the client as registered on the webPay collections channel.
YesFor Pagination: query parameter for the current page being requested
YesFor Paginated: query parameter for the number of records to return per page



Sample request call:

{{baseurl}}/api/v1/request/collections/start-date/2020-01-01 12:13:43/end-date/2020-06-01 22:43:15/client-name/Other_Client?page-number=1&page-size=30


HTTP Method: GET

Authentication: User Access Token or Client Access Token

Sample Response


#Field NameData TypeDescription
1responseCodeStringThe code representing the state of the response, it show whether the response was a success or not. NB: “00” is the code for success
2responseMessageStringThe description that explains the responseCode from above 
3dateRangeStringThe date range between the start date and end date
4dataObjectThe section that contains the actual data requested by the request

Success sample response

Response : { “responseCode”: “00”,
“responseMessage”: “Successful”,
“dateRange”: “Monthly”,
“data”: { RetailPay”: { “count”: 832860,
“content”: [ {
“orderCode”: “20080129480”,
“customerCode”: “NULL”,
“datePurchased”: “2020-08-01 15:46:23.203”,
“paymentMethod”: “NULL”,
“paymentStatus”: “0”,
“productDescription”: “MTN VTU”,
“orderPrice”: “1000.00” },
{ “orderCode”: “20080129481”,
“customerCode”: “NULL”,
“datePurchased”: “2020-08-01 15:46:23.657”,
“paymentMethod”: “DmsCredit”,
“paymentStatus”: “2”,
“productDescription”: “GLO VTU”,
“orderPrice”: “100.00” }, …. ] },
“OldWebPay”: { “count”: 283394, “content”: [ { “paymentDate”: “2020-08-04 08:21:42.957”,
“customerName”: “2348028231000”,
“bankCode”: “UBA”, “paymentRef”: “UBA|WEB|QT|4-08-2020|000841”, “productName”: “Quickteller Transfer Agent”, “amount”: “11347.50” },
{ “paymentDate”: “2020-08-04 08:21:45.220”, “customerName”: “info@kolomoni.ng”,
“bankCode”: “UBA”,
“paymentRef”: “UBA|WEB|QT|4-08-2020|000843”,
“productName”: “Quickteller Transfer Agent”,
“amount”: “8000.00” }, …. ] },
“Paydirect”: { “count”: 121988,
“content”: [ { “paymentDate”: “2020-08-01 12:00:27.027”, “amount”: “1100.00”, “productName”: “Sporty Internet ltd”, “customerName”: “08122359474”, “paymentMethod”: “Debit Card”, “paymentRef”: “DBM|MOB|4DBM0001|SIT|010820120027|NXXP8W44”, “bankName”: “Access Bank Diamond” }, { “paymentDate”: “2020-08-01 12:00:27.050”, “amount”: “550.00”, “productName”: “Bet 9Ja”, “customerName”: “Onyewu Benedict”, “paymentMethod”: “Debit Card”, “paymentRef”: “FAP|MOB|4FAP0001|BJA|010820120027|MQVBU94A”, “bankName”: “First Bank of Nigeria Plc” }, …. ] },
“NewWebPay”: { “count”: 640183, “content”: [ { “paymentDate”: “2020-08-11 04:51:03.910”, “customerName”: “NULL”, “bankCode”: “044”, “paymentRef”: “PiggyV_t773251890i100081rpgvpybsv2ccm”, “productName”: “Recurring Payments”, “amount”: “200” }, { “paymentDate”: “2020-08-11 04:51:04.173”, “customerName”: “NULL”, “bankCode”: “011”, “paymentRef”: “Sporty_t773251868i107852r200811szcaue”, “productName”: “Recurring Payments”, “amount”: “50000” }, …. ] } } }

5.2 Collections Analysis

5.2.1 Paydirect Analysis

Description:  This end point enables the caller to get analytical information based on paydirect collections dataset for a specified period.

Request Data Description

#Field NameData TypeMax Length / FormatRequiredDescription
1startDateDateYYYY-MM-dd,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssYesThis field specifies the start date of your report. The analysis will cover all records between the value specified in this field and the endDate field.If a time value is added, it uses the time value.Else if no time-value is added, it defaults to T00:00:00
2endDateDateYYYY-MM-dd,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssYesThis field specifies the analysis  report end date.If a time value is added, it uses the time value.Else if no time-value is added, it defaults to T23:59:59
3clientNameString20YesThis field specifies the name of the Client of which the analysis is for.



Sample request call:

{{baseurl}}/api/v1/request/collections/paydirect-analysis/start-date/2020-01-01 12:13:43/end-date/2020-06-01 22:43:15/client-name/Some_Client


HTTP Method: GET

Authentication: User Access Token or Client Access Token

Sample Response


#Field NameData TypeDescription
1responseCodeStringThe code representing the state of the response, it show whether the response was a success or not. NB: “00” is the code for success
2responseMessageStringThe description that explains the responseCode from above 
3dateRangeStringThe date range between the start date and end date
4dataObjectThe section that contains the actual data requested by the request
5totalCountStringThe total number of transactions for the analysis
6paydirectTypeAnalysisListListThe list of the different categories for paydirect analysis
7noOfCustomersStringNumber of unique customers with the product and payment method
8paymentMethodStringPayment method within the category
9productNameStringProduct Name within the category
10noOfTransactionsStringNumber of transactions with the product and payment method

Success sample response

Response : { “responseCode”: “00”, “responseMessage”: “Successful”, “dateRange”: “6-Months”,
“data”: { “totalCount”: “121988”,
“paydirectTypeAnalysisList”: [ {
“noOfCustomers”: “21977”,
“paymentMethod”: “Debit Card”, “productName”: “Bet 9Ja”, “noOfTransactions”: “37116” },
{ “noOfCustomers”: “32609”,
“paymentMethod”: “Debit Card”, “productName”: “Multichoice”, “noOfTransactions”: “34790” },
{ “noOfCustomers”: “5361”, “paymentMethod”: “Debit Card”, “productName”: “Sporty Internet ltd”, “noOfTransactions”: “9216” }, … ] } }

5.2.2 Retailpay Analysis

Description:  This end point enables the caller to get analytical information based on retailpay collections dataset for a specified period.

Request Data Description

#Field NameData TypeMax Length / FormatRequiredDescription
1startDateDateYYYY-MM-dd,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssYesThis field specifies the start date of your report. The analysis will cover all records between the value specified in this field and the endDate field.If a time value is added, it uses the time value.Else if no time-value is added, it defaults to T00:00:00
2endDateDateYYYY-MM-dd,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssYesThis field specifies the analysis  report end date.If a time value is added, it uses the time value.Else if no time-value is added, it defaults to T23:59:59
3clientNameString20YesThis field specifies the name of the Client of which the analysis is for.



Sample request call:

{{baseurl}}/api/v1/request/collections/retailpay-analysis/start-date/2020-01-01 12:13:43/end-date/2020-06-01 22:43:15/client-name/Some_Client


HTTP Method: GET

Authentication: User Access Token or Client Access Token

Sample Response


#Field NameData TypeDescription
1responseCodeStringThe code representing the state of the response, it show whether the response was a success or not. NB: “00” is the code for success
2responseMessageStringThe description that explains the responseCode from above 
3dateRangeStringThe date range between the start date and end date
4dataObjectThe section that contains the actual data requested by the request
5totalCountStringThe total number of transactions for the analysis
6retailpayTypeAnalysisListListThe list of the different categories for retailpay analysis
7noOfCustomersStringNumber of unique customers with the product and payment method
8paymentMethodStringPayment method within the category
9productNameStringProduct Name within the category
10noOfTransactionsStringNumber of transactions with the product and payment method

Success sample response

Response : { “responseCode”: “00”, “responseMessage”: “Successful”, “dateRange”: “Monthly”, “data”: { “totalCount”: “611717”, “retailpayTypeAnalysisList”: [ {
“noOfCustomers”: “28”,
“paymentMethod”: “DmsCredit”,
“productName”: “MTN VTU”,
“noOfTransactions”: “329026” },
{ “noOfCustomers”: “25”,
“paymentMethod”: “DmsCredit”,
“productName”: “AIRTEL VTU”,
“noOfTransactions”: “113945” },
{ “noOfCustomers”: “23”, “paymentMethod”: “DmsCredit”, “productName”: “GLO VTU”, “noOfTransactions”: “59892” }, … ] } }

5.2.3 Webpay Analysis

Description:  This end point enables the caller to get analytical information based on webpay collections dataset for a specified period.

Request Data Description

#Field NameData TypeMax Length / FormatRequiredDescription
1startDateDateYYYY-MM-dd,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssYesThis field specifies the start date of your report. The analysis will cover all records between the value specified in this field and the endDate field.If a time value is added, it uses the time value.Else if no time-value is added, it defaults to T00:00:00
2endDateDateYYYY-MM-dd,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssYesThis field specifies the analysis  report end date.If a time value is added, it uses the time value.Else if no time-value is added, it defaults to T23:59:59
3clientNameString20YesThis field specifies the name of the Client of which the analysis is for.



Sample request call:

{{baseurl}}/api/v1/request/collections/webpay-analysis/start-date/2020-01-01 12:13:43/end-date/2020-06-01 22:43:15/client-name/Some_Client


HTTP Method: GET

Authentication: User Access Token or Client Access Token

Sample Response


#Field NameData TypeDescription
1responseCodeStringThe code representing the state of the response, it show whether the response was a success or not. NB: “00” is the code for success
2responseMessageStringThe description that explains the responseCode from above 
3dateRangeStringThe date range between the start date and end date
4dataObjectThe section that contains the actual data requested by the request
5OldWebPayObjectThe section that contains requested data from Old webpay
6NewWebPayObjectThe section that contains requested data from New webpay
7totalCountStringThe total number of transactions for the analysis
8oldwebpayTypeAnalysisListListThe list of the different categories for Old webpay analysis
9newwebpayTypeAnalysisListListThe list of the different categories for New webpay analysis
10noOfCustomersStringNumber of unique customers with the product and payment method
11paymentMethodStringPayment method within the category
12productNameStringProduct Name within the category
13noOfTransactionsStringNumber of transactions with the product and payment method

Success sample response

Response : { “responseCode”: “00”, “responseMessage”: “Successful”, “dateRange”: “Monthly”,
“data”: { “OldWebPay”: { “totalCount”: “265629”, “oldwebpayTypeAnalysisList”: [ { “noOfCustomers”: “17786”, “productName”: “QuickTeller”, “noOfTransactions”: “215386” }, { “noOfCustomers”: “1778”,
“productName”: “Unified Payment Services Limited”, “noOfTransactions”: “7536” },
“noOfCustomers”: “5909”,
“productName”: “Arik Air Limited”,
“noOfTransactions”: “6575” }, … ] }, “NewWebPay”: { “totalCount”: “640183”, “newwebpayTypeAnalysisList”: [ { “noOfCustomers”: “1”, “productName”: “Recurring Payments”, “noOfTransactions”: “260387” }, { “noOfCustomers”: “1”, “productName”: “Payment”, “noOfTransactions”: “100429” }, { “noOfCustomers”: “1”, “productName”: “Flutterwave PG 2”, “noOfTransactions”: “79309” }, … ] } }
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