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  2. Interswitch Data Service
  3. Validation End-Points
  4. Validate an Individual

Validate an Individual

Given validation type and validation ID, and other details itemized in the table below, confirm that a person exist on the KYC platform. The system will confirm the details specified in the request body,  and will also return a response with details based on the validation on the platform.

Base URL: https://api-gateway.interswitchng.com/isw-data-service

Request Body Fields

SNField NameData TypeMax Length / FormatRequiredDescription
YESThe type of identification means that is been used to verify the individual, can be one of either NIN, BVN
YesThe unique identification number for that validationType that should point to that unique individual being verified
YesThe firstName of the individual to be vetted against the firstName of the validation ID holder on the KYC platform
YesThe lastName of the individual to be vetted against the lastName of the validation ID holder on the KYC platform
6birthDateDateyyyy-MM-ddYesThe date of birth of the individual to be vetted against the date of birth of the validation ID holder on the KYC platform
YesThe gender of the individual to be vetted against the gender of the validation ID holder on the KYC platform
YesThe phone number of the individual to be vetted against the phone number of the validation ID holder on the KYC platform

Request URL: {{baseurl}}/api/v1/request/verification

Request Headers


Content-Type: application/json

Authorization: Bearer Token

Sample Request


"firstname": "john",
"lastname": "doe",
"birthDate": "1990-01-01",
"gender": "male",
"phone": "08030000000",
"validationType": "BVN",
"validationId": "11111111111"

Sample Response

"responseCode": "00",
"responseMessage": Successful,
"data": {
"type": "BVN",
"status": "VERIFIED",
"identityNumber": "11111111111",
"lastName": "Doe",
"firstName": "John",
"birthDate": "1990-01-01",
"reference": "ISW|KYC|BVN|20200714|WFWVVCSBI"

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