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  4. Retrieve Account and BVN Details

Retrieve Account and BVN Details

This API is use to confirm if the supplied BVN and account number belongs to the same entity and retrieve the details of the entity/account-owner

Base URL: https://api-gateway.interswitchng.com/isw-data-service

Request Parameters

SNField NameData TypeMax Length / FormatRequiredDescription
1client-codeString20YesThe unique client code provided at the point of profiling the client on the interswitch Data service platform.
2bvnInteger11YESThe 11 digit individually unique BVN number to be validated
3bank-codeinteger3YesThe 3 digit unique bank-code assigned by CBN to identify a bank
YesThe bank account number belonging to the bank-code to be validated against the BVN provided

Sample Request


Request Headers

HTTP Method: GET

Authorization: Bearer TOKEN

Sample Response Fields (success)

SNField NameData TypeDescription
1responseCodeStringThe code representing the state of the response, it show whether the response was a success or not. NB: “00” is the code for success
2responseMessageStringThe description that explains the responseCode from above 
3dataObjectThe section that contains the account owner details
4bvnStringBVN of the owner of the account, would always be same as the BVN supplied in the request if it was successful
5accountNumberStringAccount number of the owner of the account, would always be same as the account number supplied in the request if it was successful
6bankCodeStringThe bankcode used to identify the bank, would always be same as the bank-code supplied in the request if it was successful
7accountNameStringFull names of the account holder
8dobStringThe account holder date of birth (Format: dd-MMM-yy)
9firstNameStringThe account holder’s first name
10lastNameStringThe account holder’s last name
9phoneStringThe account holder’s mobile phone number
10residentialAddressStringThe account holder’s residential address

Sample Response (success)

"responseCode": "00",
"responseMessage": "Successful",
"data": {
"bvn": "22292083231",
"accountNumber": "0696363603",
"accountName": "MICHEAL SYDENY EDE",
"bankCode": "044",
"firstName": "MICHEAL",
"lastName": "EDE",
"dob": "12-Mar-75",
"phone": "08064088818",

Sample Response Fields (Failed)

SNField NameData TypeDescription
1responseCodeStringThe code representing the state of the response, it show whether the response was a success or not. NB: “00” is the code for success
2responseMessageStringThe description that explains the responseCode from above 

"responseCode": "10404",
"responseMessage": "No Information Found - No Information Found For Account Details",

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