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Response Code List


00Approved by Financial Institution
01Refer to Financial Institution
02 Refer to Financial Institution, Special Condition
03Invalid Merchant
04Pick-up card
05Do Not Honor
07 Pick-Up Card, Special Condition
08Honor with Identification
09Request in Progress
10Approved by Financial Institution
11Approved by Financial Institution
12Invalid Transaction
13Invalid Amount
14Invalid Card Number
15No Such Financial Institution
16 Approved by Financial Institution, Update Track 3
17Customer Cancellation
18Customer Dispute
19Re-enter Transaction
20Invalid Response from Financial Institution
21No Action Taken by Financial Institution
22Suspected Malfunction
23Unacceptable Transaction Fee
24File Update not Supported
25Unable to Locate Record
26Duplicate Record
27File Update Field Edit Error
28File Update File Locked
29File Update Failed
30Format Error
31Bank Not Supported
32Completed Partially by Financial Institution
33 Expired Card, Pick-Up
34 Suspected Fraud, Pick-Up
35 Contact Acquirer, Pick-Up
36 Restricted Card, Pick-Up
37 Call Acquirer Security, Pick-Up
38 PIN Tries Exceeded, Pick-Up
39No Credit Account
40Function not Supported
41 Lost Card, Pick-Up
42No Universal Account
43 Stolen Card, Pick-Up, Stolen Card, Pick-Up
44No Investment Account
Z1(46)Wrong login details on payment page attempting to login to QT
51Insufficient Funds
52No Check Account
53No Savings Account
54Expired Card
55Incorrect PIN
56No Card Record
57Transaction not Permitted to Cardholder
58Transaction not Permitted on Terminal
59Suspected Fraud
60Contact Acquirer
61Exceeds Withdrawal Limit
62Restricted Card
63Security Violation
64Original Amount Incorrect
65Exceeds withdrawal frequency
66Call Acquirer Security
67Hard Capture
68Response Received Too Late
75PIN tries exceeded
76Reserved for Future Postilion Use
77 Intervene, Bank Approval Required
78 Intervene, Bank Approval Required for Partial Amount
90Cut-off in Progress
91Issuer or Switch Inoperative
Z1(92)Routing Error.
93Violation of law
94Duplicate Transaction
95Reconcile Error
96System Malfunction
98Exceeds Cash Limit
Z0Transaction Not Completed
Z4Integration Error
Z1Transaction Error
Z1(46)Wrong login details on payment page attempting to login to QT
Z1 (XM1)Suspected Fraudulent Transaction
Z5Duplicate Transaction Reference
Z6Customer Cancellation
Z25Transaction not Found. Transaction you are querying does not exist on WebPAY
Z30Cannot retrieve risk profile
Z61Payment Requires Token.
OTP Cancellation
Z62Request to Generate Token is Successful
Z63Token Not Generated. Customer Not Registered on Token Platform
Z64Error Occurred. Could Not Generate Token
Z65Payment Requires Token Authorization
Z66Token Authorization Successful
Z67Token Authorization Not Successful. Incorrect Token Supplied
Z68Error Occurred. Could Not Authenticate Token
Z69Customer Cancellation Secure3D
Z70Cardinal Authentication Required
Z71Cardinal Lookup Successful
Z72Cardinal Lookup Failed / means the card didnt not exist on cardinal
Z73Cardinal Authenticate Successful
Z74Cardinal Authenticate Failed
Z8Invalid Card Details
Z81Bin has not been configured
Z82Merchant not configured for bin
Z9Cannot Connect to Passport Service
Z15Cannot Connect to Payphone Service
Z16Cannot Connect to Loyalty Service
A3Database Error
A9Incorrect Phone Number
X04Minimum Amount for Payment Item Not Met
X03Exceeds Maximum Amount Allowed
Z1 (X10)3d Secure Authenticate failed
T0Token Request Successful
T1Token Request Failed
T2Token Authentication Pending
S0TimeOut calling postilion service
S1Invalid response from Postilion Service
XG0Cannot Retrieve Collections Account
XG1Successfully Retrieved Collections Account
XG2Could not retrieve  collections account from key store
PC1Could not retrieve prepaid card number from key store
XS1Exceeded time period to completed transaction
XNA  No acquirer found for mutli acquired payable
AE1Auto enrollment balance enquiry failed
AE2Auto enrollment account number and phone number validation failed
AE3Auto enrollment cannot add card to Safe token
AE4Auto enrollment error occurred
E10 Missing service identifier: You have not specify a service provider for this request, please specify a valid service identifier.
E11 Missing transaction type: You have not specify a transaction type for this request, please specify a valid transaction type
E12Missing authentication credentials. Security token header might be missing.
E18The service provider is unreachable at the moment
E19 An invalid response was received from remote host, please contact system administrator.
E20Request as timed out
E21 An unknown error has occurred, please contact system administrator.
E34System busy
E42invalid auth data error. Pan or expiry date is empty.
E43 "PIN cannot be empty"
E48Invalid OTP identifier code
E49Invalid AuthDataVersion code
E54Could not get response from HSM
E56The PAN contains an invalid character
E57The PIN contains an invalid character
E60Invalid merchant code
E61Invalid payable  code
20021No hash at all/no hash in requery
20031Invalid value for ProductId (in request or REQUERY) / amount miust be supplied
20050Hash computation wrong/no hash in payment request
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