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API & HTTP Response Codes

Payment API – Response Codes



HTTP Response Codes



Response Description
200 Approved
202 Transaction Accepted, further action is required form client. An applcation response will be returned to furhter described the type of authentication required.
400 The request is badly formatted by client
401 Not authorized to Client.
403 Transaction not completed because of user
404 Transaction/Payment/Customer/Payment Method (Resource) not found
500 Internal applcaition error. Please contact Interswitch


Further action required from Client, An HTTP response code 202 is returned.


Response Code Response Description
T0 An OTP is required before transaction is approved


S0 A Visa 3DSecure is required before transaction is approved


Bad Request: The request was invalid because of something you are doing wrong. An HTTP 400 will be returned.


Response Code Response Description
E32 JSON is badly formatted or it contains invalid character.
E37 Invalid consumer request
E39 transactionRef field cannot be null/empty
E42 Auth data error

PAN cannot be empty

Expiry Date cannot be empty

PIN cannot be empty

E43 PAN cannot be null or empty
E44 transactionRef must be between 6 and 50 characters
E40 currency field cannot be null/empty
E41 Currency not yet supported
E45 customerId field connot be null/empty
E47 Otp field cannot be null or empty
E48 otpIdentifier field cannot be null or empty
E49 authData version not supported
E50 no valid paymentCode found, please contact system administrator
E51 amount field cannot be null/empty
E56 The PAN contains an invalid character
E57 The PIN contains an invalid character
E58 The Expiry Date contains an invalid character
E59 The Cvv2 contains an invalid character


Response Code Response Description
A8 Insufficient Funds
Z25 Transaction does not exist


Unauthorized/Forbidden: Authentication credentials missing or incorrect; once you change credential info, you’ll be fine

Response Code Response Description
E12 Missing authentication credentials: Security token header might be missing.
E14 Missing content type: No content type specified for request. Please see API documentation for allowed content type.
E22 Invalid authentication credentials: Missing access key Id.
E23 Invalid authentication credentials: Missing nonce data.
E24 Invalid authentication credentials: Timestamp out of window.
E25 Invalid authentication credentials: Nonce already used.
E26 Invalid authentication credentials: Signature cannot be authenticated.
E27 An unknown error has occurred during authentication.
E28 You do not have sufficient right to access this service.
E29 Invalid authentication credentials: Missing timestamp
E30 Invalid authentication credentials: Invalid Token


Internal Application Error – Something is broken. Please contact Interswitch (covers application/server/service outages)

Response Code Response Description
E16 This service has not been enabled on this platform, please contact the system administrator.
E18 The service provider is unreachable at the moment, please try again later.
E38 Invalid provider response
E53 Bad Network Connection Error Code
Z1 Internal error


Application responses:

30020 Duplicate TransferCode/Request reference
70013 Unrecognized customer
X03 Exceeds Maximum Amount
X04 Does Not Meet Minimum Transaction Amount
Z8 Error with Card details (e.g Expiry date)
X10 Secure 3D Authentication Failure
T2 Otp required – Card not enrolled/enabled
80001 Invalid Token Supplied
81001 Token has been blocked
81002 Token has not been activated
70003 Card has not been registered for OTP or Unknown Card
70004 Card has not been approved for OTP
70005 Card has not been disabled


Transaction processing responses

Response Code Response Description
14 Invalid card number
51 Insufficient Funds
55 Incorrect PIN
56 No card record
57 Transaction not permitted to a cardholder
61 Exceeds Withdrawal Limit
62 Restricted card
63 Security violation
75 PIN tries exceeded
91 Issuer or switch inoperative
94 Duplicate transaction
96 System Malfunction
98 Exceeds Cash Limit


For more information on the various Postilion response codes, kindly click here.

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