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  2. Interswitch Payment Gateway – API/Web Implementation
  3. Basic Purchase (Hard Token/SMS OTP Required)
  4. Response for Payment with Card (Requires OTP)

Response for Payment with Card (Requires OTP)

After the payment request has been sent, the expected successful payment response is similar to this.

Sample Response (success)

Sample Response (Failure)

After the payment request has been sent, if there is any error during the request processing, expected failure response is similar to this.

Sample Response (Requires OTP Enrollment)

After the payment request has been sent, but the card is not registered for otp, and otp auto-enrollment is supported, the response is similar to this.

However, kindly note this auto-enrollment has been triggered internally but failed. Kindly advise the cardholder to reach out to his/her bank for proper card profiling.

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