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  2. Quickteller SVA
  3. Card Setup Instructions
  4. User Creation

User Creation

1.1. Login with credentials provided.

Sandbox Details Production Details
Terminal Owner: Test SVA
URL: https://sandbox.interswitchng.com/paydirect 
Username: sadmin
Password: Password13$
Institution Code: NRX
URL: www.paydirectonline.com/paydirect
Username: To be provided upon go-live
Password: To be provided upon go-live
Institution Code: To be provided upon go-live


1.2. Click on User management >> SVA User Management


1.3. Click on Add User, provide details as displayed, and click on Save.



Admin created is responsible for adding the virtual card to your profile.

For live we would require an Autopay Card (virtual debit card) that would be configured on our platform and used for processing your transactions.

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