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[faq p=2040]


ErrorPossible problem/What to do
E28 - You do not have sufficient right to access this serviceContact your Support Engineer. Resources or Access right need to be enabled
E38 - You have not been configured on Quickteller PlatformContact your Support Engineer. Application Parameter configuration is pending
E26 - Invalid authentication credentials: signature cannot be authenticatedFaulty signature computation. Confirm hextobase64 encoding is done properly.
where "signatureCipher" = httpMethod + "&"+ url + "&" +timestamp + "&" + nonce + "&" + clientId + "&" + clientSecret
E15 - This transaction is not yet supported. Please API documentation for supported transaction type Check the URL you're using e.g. /payment instead of /payments
10002 - Invalid transfer code/Invalid request prefixYou're not using the right request prefix
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