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  3. Get Billers By Category

Get Billers By Category

This method retrieves billers based on the supplied search criteria

HTTP Method: GET

Resource Url



Please refer to attached document to learn how to compute the required headers for authentication.

ISA01000I Interswitch Services API Specification

Authentication Headers

Content Type:application/json
Authorization:InterswitchAuth SUifhfjdbxbkfhj132hdfhjshfjhsv
Signature: kuTwggg/3gdgdghs=
Timestamp: 1434455667788
TerminalID: 3DMO0001

Request Parameters

Field M/O Length Format Description
Terminal ID M 8 Alphanumeric Terminal ID provided by Interswitch
id M AlphaNumeric An ID of the category to be returned. Please use a valid value returned from Get Categories API

GetBillers Response

A HTTP response code 200 is sent back for a success
Response Parameters

Field Description
Code Response Code
The following parameters are returned per biller
categoryid Category Id
categoryname Biller Category
categorydescription Description of Category
billerid Biller’s Unique identifier
billername Name of biller
customerfield1 Customer Id Field 1
customerfield2 Customer Id Feld 2
currencySymbol Currency

Sample Response
{ “billers”: [ { “categoryid”: “3”, “categoryname”: “State Payments”, “categorydescription”: “Pay state taxes”, “billerid”: “303”, “billername”: “Abia State Infrastructural Development Agency”, “customerfield1”: “Customer No”, “customerfield2”: “”, “supportemail”: “quickteller@interswitchng.com”, “paydirectProductId”: “3332”, “paydirectInstitutionId”: “0”, “narration”: “Pay”, “shortName”: “ASIDA”, “surcharge”: “10000”, “currencyCode”: “566”, “quickTellerSiteUrlName”: “asida”, “amountType”: “0”, “currencySymbol”: “NGN”, “customSectionUrl”: “”, “logoUrl”: “q.jpg”, “type”: “”, “url”: “” }, { “categoryid”: “15”, “categoryname”: “Airlines”, “categorydescription”: “Airlines”, “billerid”: “155”, “billername”: “AirNigeria BOH”, “customerfield1″: ” Booking Reference No:”, “customerfield2”: “”, “supportemail”: “support@interswitchng.com,support@airnigeria.com”, “paydirectProductId”: “3345”, “paydirectInstitutionId”: “0”, “narration”: “AirNigeria BookOnHold”, “shortName”: “AIRNG”, “surcharge”: “10000”, “currencyCode”: “566”, “quickTellerSiteUrlName”: “airnigeria”, “amountType”: “0”, “currencySymbol”: “NGN”, “customSectionUrl”: “”, “logoUrl”: “airng.png”, “type”: “”, “url”: “” }

Requests will be sent over the REST protocol

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