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  4. Get Loan History

Get Loan History

This endpoint will provide clients with the loans that the user is serving or has served.

Request Message description



Field name Data type Max length Required Description
1 customerId String true The Email or Mobile Number of the user for which history data is being retrieved.
2 startDate Long true The Start Date/Time to be used as the filter for the data. This will specify the lower bound of the date range.
3 endDate String true The End Date/Time to be used as the filter for the data. This will specify the upper bound of the date range.
4 channelCode String true The Code of the channel for which this request is originating.
5 pageNumber Numeric true The Number of the page from which the loan history records should be pulled.
6 pageSize Numeric true The Maximum number of Records to be contained on a page of records.


GET /loans/{customerId}?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}&channelCode={channelCode}


Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

Sample request


Response Message  field description



Field name Description
1 responseCode The response code
2 responseMessage response message
3 data [Array] of the loans
3a offerCode
3b providerloanId
3c amount
3d interest
3e provider
3f status
3g statusDescription
3h tenure
3i acceptedDate
3j dueDate
4 count The Number of Records that is available within the specified date range.

Sample Response (success)


“responseCode”: “00”,

“count”: 2,

“data”: [


“id”: 32,

“offerId”: “OFFER1497358087100”,

“customerId”: “2348135446702”,

“providerId”: 3,

“providerCode”: “MKT”,

“channelId”: 1,

“channelCode”: “FBNMOBILE”,

“status”: “Accepted”,

“amount”: 100000,

“amountPayable”: 110000,

“tenure”: 30,

“dueDate”: 1499950113171,

“terms”: “Please read the terms and conditions on https://onefi.com/terms”,

“currency”: “566”,

“customerDebitMethod”: 2,

“customerCreditMethod”: 4,

“providerLoanId”: “OFFER1497358087100”,

“dateCreated”: 1497361713217



“id”: 30,

“offerId”: “OFFER1497351015100”,

“customerId”: “2348135446702”,

“providerId”: 3,

“providerCode”: “MKT”,

“channelId”: 1,

“channelCode”: “FBNMOBILE”,

“status”: “Accepted”,

“amount”: 100000,

“amountPayable”: 110000,

“tenure”: 30,

“dueDate”: 1499943066892,

“terms”: “Please read the terms and conditions on https://onefi.com/terms”,

“currency”: “566”,

“customerDebitMethod”: 2,

“customerCreditMethod”: 4,

“providerLoanId”: “OFFER1497351015100”,

“dateCreated”: 1497354667123




Sample Response (failure)


“responseCode”: “104”,

“responseMessage”: “Unsupported date format. Kindly use ‘yyyy-mm-dd'”


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