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Get Merchant Offer

Get Merchant Offer

During the Get Offer processing, a request will be sent from Interswitch Lending Service to Provider to get the offers the Provider has for a User. The Request and Response format expected are as follows:

Request Message description



Field name
Data type
Max length
1 customerId String true The Email or Mobile Number of the User who is accepting this offer.
2 amount Long false The Amount of Loan that the Customer wish to take. This can be used to determine the offers that will be returned.
3 currentLoanStatus Boolean true A Status stating whether the Customer has a current loan in service or not.
4 hashedCustomerId String true The hashed value of the customer Id, which can be used to retrieved customer data.
5 merchantId String true The originating merchant ID
6 itemDescription String true Description of item customer is taking a loan for
7 bvn String false The customer’s bank verification number
8 name String false The requesting customer’s name
GET /endpoint goes here. The Provider is expected to provide this and configured on the ILS Platform.
Sample Request
Sample request
?customerId=2348123456789&amount=100000&currentLoanStatus=false&hashedCustomerId=DBA29C79EED1E6AC388E03AD77E4C748AA87EEC3&merchantId=3IPG001&itemDescription=10KVA generator&bvn=1000000001

Response Message  field description



Field name
1 responseCode The Code representing the status of the processing of the request. It shows whether the request to accept the offer is allowed or not.
2 responseMessage The Description of the Response Code from above.
3 offers Arrays of Offers that the provider has for the user.
3a offerId The Id representing the offer from the provider.
3b amountOffered The Amount of this loan offer. This is expected to be in the minor denomination (Long value).
3c interest The interest in percentage attached to the loan
3d amountPayable The Amount expected to be paid by the User for the loan. This is expected to be in the minor denomination (Long value).
3e fees The Array of fees that are attached to the loan.
3f tenure The Time duration of this loan after which the user is expected to pay back the amountPayable (in days).
3g terms The Terms and Conditions attached to the loan offer.
3h expiryDate The Date/Time at which this loan offer expires and become invalid.
3i currency The Currency of the Amount offered.
3j isPartPaymentAllowed A Boolean depicting whether the Customer is allowed to make part-payment to serve the loan.
3k description Description of the offer. This will be displayed to the customer
3l type Possible values of type is ONEOFF and INSTALLMENTS
3m initialPayment The down payment the customer is expected to pay.
3n noOfInstallments For an installmental type offer, the number of installments expected
Sample Response (success)
    "offers": [
            "amountOffered": 100000,
            interest"": 10,
            "amountPayable": 110000,
            "fees": [{
                "amount": 100
            "tenure": 30,
            "terms""Please read the terms and conditions on https://onefi.com/terms",
            "description""N1000 to pay back N1100 in 3 installments",
            "type" "INSTALLMENTS",
            "initialPayment" : 1000,
            "noOfInstallments" : 2
            "amountOffered": 1000000,
            "amountPayable": 1250000,
            "fees": [{
                "amount": 1000
            "tenure": 60,
            "terms""Loanee are expected to have served the loan at the tenure end. Any defaulters of this will likely not be given any loan offer from here or other credit company.",
            "type" "ONEOFF",
            "initialPayment" : 0
Sample Response (failure)
    "responseMessage""Sorry, we have no loan offers for this customer."
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