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  3. Interswitch lending Service (ILS Calls to Providers)
  4. Payment Notification

Payment Notification

When the Service receives a Payment Notification request, it is expected to send a request down to the Provider to notify them of the payment. The provider is in-turn expected to return a response containing the status and other details of the loan.

Request Message description

Field # Field name Data type Max length Required Description
1 loanId Numeric String  50 true The id of the Loan for which the payment is made.
2 paymentRef String 50 true The Reference to the payment that was done. This can be used by the Provider to do dispute settlement or investigate.
3 Amount Long true The Code of the Loan generated by ILS. This will be used by the provider for later requests to the ILS.
4 customerId String  50 true The Email or Mobile Number of the User who made the payment.


POST /endpoint goes here. The Provider is expected to provide this and configured on the ILS Platform.


As a Lender, please note that it is expected you have a basic authentication for each API spec . A sample screen shot is shown below.

Sample Request

Sample request
{ “customerId”: “2348123456789”, “loanId”: “0001”, “amount”: “500.00”, “paymentRef”: “FBN|WEB|ILS|20170503121143|8903” }

Response Message  field description

Field # Field name Data type Max length Required Description
1 responseCode Numeric String  5 true The Code representing the status of the processing of the request.
2 responseMessage String  255 true The Description of the Response Code from above.
3 loanStatus String true The Status at which this loan is after the payment is accounted for.

Sample Response (success)

{ “responseCode”: “00”, “responseMessage”: “Successful”, “loanStatus”: “CLOSED” }

Sample Response (failure)

{ “responseCode”: “4004”, “responseMessage”: “Invalid offer Id.” }
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