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  4. Get Customer History

Get Customer History

This endpoint will be used by providers to retrieve information of a customer from the Platform.

Please note that, currently, this request will be pass to ESB Service and not ILS Service.

Request Message description



Field name Data type Max length Required Description
1. providerCode String  50 true The Code of the Channel from which this request originates.
2. mobile String  50 true The ID of the customer whose Information the provider is trying to get.
3. startDate Date String (UTC)  10 true The Date from which history will be retrieved. Format: yyyy-mm-dd
4. endDate Date String (UTC)  10 true The Date to which history will be retrieved. Format: yyyy-mm-dd


GET {{host}}/api/v1/payment/history




Authorization: InterswitchAuth SUtJQUYzRDNGMkQyMEY1MTM2REVGNUExMjUwMzZDN0U0QjgzMzgwQjBGMjA=

Signature: jTeXolQsXeK07co437g8nB3Yiss=

SignatureMethod: SHA1

Timestamp: 1488814792

startDate: 2017-01-23

endDate: 2017-03-12

mobile: 2348012345768

Nonce: 9fd167a37db1813ef9da661ea481fc3b

Sample Request

Sample Request One

Response Message  field description



Field name Data type Max length Required Description
1 responseCode Numeric String  5 true The code indicating the result of the processing of this request.
2 responseMessage String  255 true The Description of the responseCode.
3 firstName String  50 true  The First Name of the Customer
4 lastName String  50 true The Last Name of the Customer
5 email String 50 The Email Address of the Customer
6 cards String 50 Array of Cards used for the payments and the respective payments.
6a bank String 50 The Name of the Bank of the Card.
6b maskedPan String 100 Masked PAN of the Card.
6c trxns String An object having properties representing the transactions done on the card, the channel from which they are done and the type of transaction that they are.
6c (i) accountNumber Numeric String 20
6c (ii) acquirerBank 50
6c (iii) cardBrand String 20 The Branch/Type of the Card (e.g Verve).
6c (iv) issuerBank String 50 The Name of the Bank of the Card.
6c (v) merchantBiller String
6c (vi) pan String 20
6c (vii) paymentItem String 20 The Item for which the transaction is for (what was paid for with the transaction).
6c (viii) retrievalReference String 50
6c (ix) transactionDate Date String (UTC) 10 The Date on which the transaction is done.
6c (x ) transactionTime Date time 10 The Time at which the transaction is done.
6c(xi) amount Numeric String 20 The amount is in Naira. (6 decimal places)

Sample Response (success)


“firstName”: “IKECHUKWU”,

“lastName”: “ONYEKANNA”,

“email”: “onyekannaikechukwu@yahoo.com”,

“mobile”: “2348060765123”,

“cards”: [


“bank”: “Ecobank Nigeria Plc”,

“maskedPan”: “506100*********8508”,

“trxns”: {

“WEB”: {

“Web_Purchase”: [


“accountNumber”: “5061000205026368508”,

“acquirerBank”: “First City Monument Bank Plc”,

“amount”: “7000.00”,

“cardBrand”: “Verve”,

“issuerBank”: “Ecobank Nigeria Plc”,

“merchantBiller”: “635970849187100444     www.swiftng.cLANG”,

“pan”: “506100*********8508”,

“paymentItem”: “Swift Networks Web Payments”,

“responseCode”: “00”,

“retrievalReference”: “000632677710”,

“transactionDate”: “2016-04-24”,

“transactionTime”: “08:55:49”



“accountNumber”: “5061000205026368508”,

“amount”: “1100.00”,

“cardBrand”: “Verve”,

“issuerBank”: “Ecobank Nigeria Plc”,

“merchantBiller”: “VEW/08058829183/C/     050/050      LANG”,

“pan”: “506100*********8508”,

“paymentItem”: “Verve eAccount”,

“responseCode”: “00”,

“retrievalReference”: “000622283199”,

“transactionDate”: “2016-04-16”,

“transactionTime”: “12:54:22”



“accountNumber”: “5061000205026368508”,

“amount”: “1100.00”,

“cardBrand”: “Verve”,

“issuerBank”: “Ecobank Nigeria Plc”,

“merchantBiller”: “VEW/07069659012/C/     050/050      LANG”,

“pan”: “506100*********8508”,

“paymentItem”: “Verve eAccount”,

“responseCode”: “00”,

“retrievalReference”: “000622237043”,

“transactionDate”: “2016-04-16”,

“transactionTime”: “12:10:45”



“accountNumber”: “5061000205026368508”,

“amount”: “1100.00”,

“cardBrand”: “Verve”,

“issuerBank”: “Ecobank Nigeria Plc”,

“merchantBiller”: “VEW/08158173641/C/     050/050      LANG”,

“pan”: “506100*********8508”,

“paymentItem”: “Verve eAccount”,

“responseCode”: “00”,

“retrievalReference”: “000622228262”,

“transactionDate”: “2016-04-16”,

“transactionTime”: “12:02:37”



“accountNumber”: “5061000205026368508”,

“amount”: “1100.00”,

“cardBrand”: “Verve”,

“issuerBank”: “Ecobank Nigeria Plc”,

“merchantBiller”: “VEW/07035884094/C/     050/050      LANG”,

“pan”: “506100*********8508”,

“paymentItem”: “Verve eAccount”,

“responseCode”: “00”,

“retrievalReference”: “000622205248”,

“transactionDate”: “2016-04-16”,

“transactionTime”: “11:41:34”



“accountNumber”: “5061000205026368508”,

“amount”: “1100.00”,

“cardBrand”: “Verve”,

“issuerBank”: “Ecobank Nigeria Plc”,

“merchantBiller”: “VEW/08034207839/C/     050/050      LANG”,

“pan”: “506100*********8508”,

“paymentItem”: “Verve eAccount”,

“responseCode”: “00”,

“retrievalReference”: “000622178548”,

“transactionDate”: “2016-04-16”,

“transactionTime”: “11:20:25”



“accountNumber”: “5061000205026368508”,

“amount”: “1100.00”,

“cardBrand”: “Verve”,

“issuerBank”: “Ecobank Nigeria Plc”,

“merchantBiller”: “VEW/07059572619/C/     050/050      LANG”,

“pan”: “506100*********8508”,

“paymentItem”: “Verve eAccount”,

“responseCode”: “00”,

“retrievalReference”: “000622111380”,

“transactionDate”: “2016-04-16”,

“transactionTime”: “10:27:28”



“accountNumber”: “5061000205026368508”,

“amount”: “1100.00”,

“cardBrand”: “Verve”,

“issuerBank”: “Ecobank Nigeria Plc”,

“merchantBiller”: “VEW/08180176136/C/     050/050      LANG”,

“pan”: “506100*********8508”,

“paymentItem”: “Verve eAccount”,

“responseCode”: “00”,

“retrievalReference”: “000622099244”,

“transactionDate”: “2016-04-16”,

“transactionTime”: “10:17:58”



“accountNumber”: “5061000205026368508”,

“amount”: “1100.00”,

“cardBrand”: “Verve”,

“issuerBank”: “Ecobank Nigeria Plc”,

“merchantBiller”: “VEW/2348085713456/C/   050/050      LANG”,

“pan”: “506100*********8508”,

“paymentItem”: “Verve eAccount”,

“responseCode”: “00”,

“retrievalReference”: “000622082101”,

“transactionDate”: “2016-04-16”,

“transactionTime”: “10:04:43”



“accountNumber”: “5061000205026368508”,

“amount”: “1100.00”,

“cardBrand”: “Verve”,

“issuerBank”: “Ecobank Nigeria Plc”,

“merchantBiller”: “VEW/08109369399/C/     050/050      LANG”,

“pan”: “506100*********8508”,

“paymentItem”: “Verve eAccount”,

“responseCode”: “00”,

“retrievalReference”: “000621632998”,

“transactionDate”: “2016-04-15”,

“transactionTime”: “22:45:18”








Sample Response (failure)


“errors”: [


“code”: “E38”,

“message”: “A search parameter must be provided”



“error”: {

“code”: “E38”,

“message”: “A search parameter must be provided”



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