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Credit score and Credit score history Api

Get Credit Score

This endpoint returns the customer’s current credit score generated by the Credit Score Engine for the customer.

Test Client id : IKIA9614B82064D632E9B6418DF358A6A4AEA84D7218

Test Client Secret : XCTiBtLy1G9chAnyg0z3BcaFK4cVpwDg/GTw2EmjTZ8=

Request Base URL: https://sandbox.interswitchng.com/credit-score-engine/


GET /v1/credit-score?msisdn={customer msisdn}



Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOlsiY2Flc2FyIiwiY2FyZGxlc3Mtc2V…

Request Parameters

Field#Field nameData typeMax lengthRequiredDescription
1msisdnString13trueThe Phone number(MSISDN) of the customer whose credit score we are trying to retrieve

Sample request


Response Message  field description

Field#Field nameDescription
1responseCodeResponse code from the API
2responseMessageThe description of the response code
3scoreThe numerical value of the generated credit score
4dateCreatedThe date the credit score was generated
Sample Response (success)
    “responseCode”: “00”,
    “responseDescription”: “Successful”,
    “creditScores”: [
            “id”: 487,
            “msisdn”: “2348123456789”,
            “score”: “32”,
            “dateCreated”: “2020-09-04”

Sample Response (failure)

{"responseCode":"4004","responseMessage":"No Credit Score."}

Get Credit Score History

This endpoint returns the customer’s historical credit scores generated by the Credit Score Engine for the customer.

Request Parameters

Field#Field nameData typeMax lengthRequiredDescription
1msisdnString13trueThe Phone number(MSISDN) of the customer whose credit score we are trying to retrieve



GET /v1/credit-score/history?msisdn={customer msisdn}
Sample Request

Sample request

GET /v1/credit-score/history?msisdn=234123456789

Response Message  field description

Field#Field nameDescription
1responseCodeResponse code from the API
2responseMessageThe description of the response code
3scoreThe numerical value of the generated credit score
4dateCreatedThe date the credit score was generated
5msisdnCustomer phone number
Sample Response (success)
"responseCode": "00",
"responseDescription": "Successful",
{"msisdn": "2348123456789",
"score": "40",
"dateCreated": "2018-07-10"}
,{"msisdn": " 2348123456789 ",
"score": "30",
"dateCreated": "2018-07-05"}]
Sample Response (failure)
{"responseCode":"4004","responseMessage":"No Credit Score."}

Response Codes

Response CodeResponse Message
4004No Credit Score

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