This provides a way for the merchant ( channels Provider: Regular or Value Financing ) to securely collect card details for customers paying with debit or credit card to complete the loan application on their channels. It enables the merchant to control the experience; look and feel (that is, the merchant is in complete control of their UI/UX).
The following fields are hosted securely in iframes which the merchant can embed in their checkout page;
- Expiry Date
Steps to Implement HostedField
Sample Code (Card form)
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<body> <form id="cardForm"> <div class="panel"> <header class="panel__header"> <h2>Submit Card Details</h2> </header> <div class="panel__content"> <div class="textfield--float-label"> <label class="hosted-field--label" for="card-pan"> <span class="icon"> </span> Card Number </label> <div id="card-pan" class="hosted-field"></div> </div> <div class="textfield--float-label"> <label class="hosted-field--label" for="expiration-date">Expiration Date</label> <div id="expiration-date" class="hosted-field"></div> </div> <div class="textfield--float-label"> <label class="hosted-field--label" for="card-cvv"> CVV</label> <div id="card-cvv" class="hosted-field"></div> </div> <div class="textfield--float-label"> <label class="hosted-field--label" for="card-pin">Pin</label> <div id="card-pin" class="hosted-field"></div> </div> <div class="textfield--float-label"> <label class="hosted-field--label" for="card-otp">OTP</label> <div id="card-otp" class="hosted-field"></div> </div> </div> <footer class="panel__footer"> <button class="pay-button" type="submit">Submit</button> </footer> </div> </form> <script src=''></script> <script src=""></script> </body> |
Load the SDK
Loading the SDK will make available global interswitch.hostedFields variable available.
1 |
<script src=""></script> |
Create Hosted Fields Instance
Create an instance of hosted Field by Calling theĀ newInstanceĀ method on theĀ interswitch.hostedFieldsĀ variable , the method takes options and a callback.
The create instance can be used to register events listeners and finally submit the customer’s request when the customer clicks on a the submit button. On submit this instance will return to the callback.
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interswitch.hostedFields.newInstance( { authorization: "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOlsiY3JlZGl0LXNjb3JlLXNlcnZpY2UiLCJpc3ctbGVuZGluZy1zZXJ2aWNlIiwicXVpY2t0ZWxsZXIiXSwic2NvcGUiOlsicHJvZmlsZSJdLCJleHAiOjE2MTY1Nzg4OTYsImNsaWVudF9uYW1lIjoiTmFib2JNb2JpbGUgQXBwLVByb2R1Y3Rpb24iLCJqdGkiOiJjOWNjMzM5MS03ZWYzLTRiNDktYjRhMC1hYmI2ZWM3ZTg3OWMiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJJS0lBQzY0NzIxMzY1M0Q3Qzk1RjdFOUZEMjcxQ0Q1NzVDOUI2QUUwMjY0RiJ9.EXIBdW12ti2oxUM2WT2e8fMzJVPgMlKwX5A3qijKlDWZlORW1obUZhFOZL5R8RffyIWWyJPhVb_tceR1VN1ptKzLeQ_YFtpdQLU2rU_z2jY8qCIGfFqZasUSKxv0wuA-KzbZwI51mkjnn4DrQzAUK4TvD7PGRVXU8nGt92LACuHLJNzcg8FG4wKNkaCNgwSL9x0l--yZvSvVUIYeLEDg6eB1Ko94i0engs4wRh9aNdPxsVP4AhzRiw9qjfaEz56LYjenAF66SOt9gsatlesIOW7InV_ILEWX-R8nM-L004c_XthInFuWK3sYhYdxcRG28e_oHhcdQixTZo0FZgFMoA", request: { customerId: "2348161286594", channelCode: "QTWEBSITE", offerId: "ILS1605702443100", providerCode: "LIP", transactionRef: "8464646984395451" }, styles: { input: { "font-size": "14px", "font-family": "roboto, verdana, sans-serif", "font-weight": "lighter", "color": "black", "border-width": "0px" }, ":focus": { outline: "none" }, ".valid": { color: "black" }, ".invalid": { color: "red" } }, fields: { pan: { selector: "#card-pan", placeholder: "**** **** **** ****" }, cvv: { selector: "#card-cvv", placeholder: "***" }, exp: { selector: "#expiration-date", placeholder: "mm/yy" }, pin: { selector: "#card-pin", placeholder: "****" }, otp: { selector: "#card-otp", placeholder: "******" } }, onError: function (error) { showNotificationAlert(error.responseMessage, true); } }, function (err, hostedFieldInstance) { if (err) { // something is wrong, return; } function findLabel(field) { return $( '.hosted-field--label[for="' + + '"]' ); } hostedFieldInstance.on("focus", function (event) { var field = event.fields[event.emittedBy]; findLabel(field) .addClass("label-float") .removeClass("filled"); }); // Emulates floating label pattern hostedFieldInstance.on("blur", function (event) { var field = event.fields[event.emittedBy]; var label = findLabel(field); if (field.isEmpty) { label.removeClass("label-float"); } else if (field.isValid) { label.addClass("filled"); } else { label.addClass("invalid"); } }); hostedFieldInstance.on("empty", function (event) { var field = event.fields[event.emittedBy]; findLabel(field) .removeClass("filled") .removeClass("invalid"); }); hostedFieldInstance.on("validityChange", function (event) { var field = event.fields[event.emittedBy]; var label = findLabel(field); if (field.isPotentiallyValid) { label.removeClass("invalid"); } else { label.addClass("invalid"); } }); form.addEventListener( "click", function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); hostedFieldInstance.submit(function (err, payload) { if (err) { if (err.responseCode === "T0") { $(hideFields).removeClass("textfield--show"); $(hideFields).addClass("textfield--hide"); $(showOtp).removeClass("textfield--hide"); $(showOtp).addClass("textfield--show"); $(validateCardButton).addClass("blue"); $(validateCardButton).html("Validate"); showNotificationAlert(err.message, false); return; } else if (err.responseCode !== "T0" && err.responseMessage) { showNotificationAlert( "Transaction failed with " + err.responseMessage, true ); return; } else if (err.message.body) { if (err.message.body.token) { showNotificationAlert("Transaction Successful", false); return; } if (err.message.body.errors) { showNotificationAlert( "Transction Failed with" + JSON.stringify( err.message.body.errors[0]["message"] ), true ); return; } } } else if (payload) { if (Object.keys(payload.body).length <= 1) { showNotificationAlert("Transaction Failed", true); } if (payload.body.responseCode == "00") { showNotificationAlert( payload.body, false ); } if (payload.body.token) { showNotificationAlert( "Card successfully tokenized " + "(" + JSON.stringify(payload.body) + ")", false ); } return; } }); }, false ); } ); |
The options include authorization, card tokenization request, fields and styles as shown below.
NOTE: For Value Financing: merchantCode is required alongside others for pay with credit (value financing).
Hosted Fields Demo Interface
The loaded Hosted Fields Demo page

After entering card details, OTP validation is next

Successful card tokenization