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  4. Get Customer Information

Get Customer Information

This endpoint will be used by providers to retrieve information of a customer from the Platform.

Request Message description



Field name Data type Max length Required Description
1. providerCode String  50 true The Code of the Channel from which this request originates.
2. customerId String  50 true The ID of the customer whose Information the provider is trying to get.


GET {{host}}/lendingservice-data-service/api/v1/customer-info?msisdn={{customerId}}




Please refer to attached document to learn how to compute the required headers for authentication. ISA01000I Interswitch Services Authentication Specification

 Content Type:application/json

Authorization: Bearer {{Access token}}

Sample Request

Sample Request One

Response Message  field description



Field name Data type Max length Required Description
1 responseCode String  5 true The code indicating the result of the processing of this request.
2 responseMessage String  255 true The Description of the responseCode.
3 msisdn 20 The MSISDN of the Customer.
4 firstName 50 The First Name of the Customer.
5 lastName 50 The Last Name of the Customer
6 email 50 The Email Address of the Customer
7 hashedMsisdn 100 The Hashed MSISDN of the Customer.

Sample Response (success)


    “responseCode”: “00”,
    “responseMessage”: “Successful”,
    “msisdn”: “2348035459308”,
    “firstName”: “VINCENT”,
    “lastName”: “OKPODUWA”,
    “email”: “N/A”,
    “hashedMsisdn”: “DBA29C79EED1E6AC388E03AD77E4C7”,
    “encryptedPan”: “01G100009HTPKKUEL “,
    “dateOfBirth”: “N/A”,
    “bvn”: “N/A”,
    “address”: “BWARI, Abuja”,
    “addressCity”: “BWARI”,
    “addressState”: “Abuja”,
    “accountNumber”: “1006505865”,
    “bankCode”: “N/A”,
    “gender”: “Male”,
    “countryCode”: “NG”

“responseCode” : “5000”,

“responseMessage” : “Error while processing request. Please try again.”


Sample Response (failure)

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