This endpoint notifies ILS on successful salary loan repayments by the customer through the third-party channel. .
Request Body Description
These are the fields to be sent by the third party channel in the request
Field# | Field name | Data type | Max length | Required | Description |
1 | customerId | String | 13 | true | The phone number of the customer in 234 format |
2 | channelCode | String | 50 | true | The channel’s unique code |
3 | providerCode | String | 50 | true | The provider code of the salary lender |
4 | amount | long | true | The loan amount | |
5 | loanId | String | 50 | true | The unique loan identifier returned in the “get salary loan” response |
6 | transactionRef | String | 50 | true | The unique transaction reference attached to the debit transaction |
7 | currency | Sting | true | The currency code of the amount |
Request Endpoint
Request Header
Authorization : Bearer {{token}}
Sample Request
"customerId": "234803058392",
"channelCode": "QTUSSD",
"providerCode": "MKT",
"amount": 10200,
"loanId": "QTUSSD1894059",
"transactionRef": "gtb|1232|debit",
"currency": "566"
Response Field Description
Field# | Field name | Description |
1 | responseCode | Code of the returned response |
2 | responseMessage | Message explaining describing the response |
Sample Response (success – successful payment notification response
"responseCode": "S201",
"responseMessage": "Salary loan payment notification Successful."
Sample Response (failure – failed payment notification response )
"responseCode": "104",
"responseMessage": "Loan not attached to customer."