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Get Tenured Offers

Get Tenured Offers

This endpoint is to get offers available to a user/customer from a specified Credit Company (Provider) for purchasing items from the specified merchant

Request Message description



Field name
Data type
Max length
1 customerId String true The Email or Mobile Number of the Customer for which offers are been requested.
2 amount Numeric String true The Amount of Loan that the customer wishes to take (in Kobo).
3 merchantId String true The merchant Id
4 itemDescription String false Description of the item being purchased
5 bvn String false The customer’s Bank Verfication Number
6 dateOfBirth String false The customer’s date of birth in the format yyyy-MM-dd
7 serviceType String false
GET /tenured-offers?customerId={customerId}&amount={amount}&merchantId={merchantId}&itemDescription={itemDescription}&bvn={bvn}&dateOfBirth=1960-10-01
Sample Request
Sample request
/tenured-offers?mercantId=3IPG001&customerId=2348030583962&amount=100000&bvn=1000000002&itemDescription=Samsung Tv

Response Message  field description



Field name
1 responseCode The Code representing the result of the request processing.
2 responseMessage The Description of the responseCode.
4 offers Arrays of the available offers.
4a. offerId
4b. amountOffered The Amount which the Credit Company is ready to loan the customer/user.
4c. interest The Interest Percentage that applies to the loan.
4d. amountPayable The Compound Interest which is to be paid by the Customer at the end of the loan tenure.
4e. fees Array of the many fees that applied with the offer.
4f. tenure The Duration for which the loan is applied. After this duration, the loan is marked as due. (in days)
4g. terms The Terms and Conditions that applied to the offer.
4h. expiryDate The Date and Time at which this offer becomes invalid.(UTC)
4i. currency The Currency Code of the Amount offered.
4j. description The desctiption of the offer. This is what will be displayed to the customer
4k. type The type of offer. Possible values are One-Off and Installmental
4l. initialPayment The value of the initial payment that will be deducted from the customer
4m. noOfInstallments The number of installments the customer will be required to pay
Sample Response (success)
    "responseMessage""Offers available",
    "offers": [
            "amountOffered": 1000000, // Ten thousand naira only
            "interest" : 12.5 // In percentage: 12.5%
            "amountPayable": 1250000, // Ten thousand, two hundred and fifty naira only
            "tenure": 30,
            "description""N10,000 to pay back N12,500 in 30 days"
Sample Response (failure)
    "responseMessage""You have an existing loan",
    "offers": []
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